
  • 网络standard volume
  1. 采用具有补偿因子压缩系数修正的理想气体状态方程,实现对天然气标方计量的计算.工况状态压缩系数的计算由R-K方程近似计算迭代求出,计算误差为0.1%。

    Abstract : Using compensate factor constrictive coefficient to revise perfect gas equation and calculate the measure of natural gas 's standard volume , working 's status compensate factor can make out similar calculate change by R-K equation .

  2. 天然气计量系统标方计算的数学建模

    Mathematics Model to Calculate Natural Gas Measure System Standard Volume

  3. 动态UI填补了当前原型系统的UI融合缺失,以高深度的、全面的UI调整模式为标的方提供可按需自行定制或调整的、真正个性化的UI交互平台。

    Dynamic UI prototype system to fill the current deficiencies of the UI integration to high-depth and comprehensive UI adjustment model provided by the subject can be customized on-demand or on its own adjustments , the real personalized interactive platform UI .

  4. 利用正方形标靶上等间距方环,分析了摄像机镜头畸变情况。

    The equal spacing ring on the square target is used to analyze the lens distortion of the camera .

  5. 在任何一标的目的接受方披露前已为该方知悉的非保密性资料;

    Non-confidential information that has come to the attention of the receiving party before the disclosure of the other party ;

  6. 通过对第一价格密标采购和第二价格密标采购的投标方的竞价行为分别进行分析,揭示了两种采购方式的价格形成机制,进一步分析了二者的效率。

    An analysis of competitive price behavior of first-price sealed-bid purchase and second-price sealed-bid purchase , reveals a price formation mechanism , this is followed by analyses the efficiency of two kinds of sealed-bid purchase .