
biāo zhù
  • dimension;mark;Annotation;tagging;indicia
标注 [biāo zhù]
  • [mark] 贴记号于(作为评价或强调)

  • 请他将一些唐突的段落标注出来

  1. 阐述了图形尺寸标注C语言子函数的分类及功能。

    The class and function of C subfunction for graphic dimensions mark are elaborated .

  2. 西门子CAD工作站汉字标注功能的开发

    The Development of the Chinese & Character Mark Function on SIEMENS CAD Workstation

  3. 信上标注着“私人”字样。

    The letter was marked ' Personal ' .

  4. 不规则形式标注在括号内。

    Irregular forms are given in parentheses .

  5. 香烟上标注着有害健康的警告。

    Cigarettes carry a health warning .

  6. 这些东西从未进行过妥善登记,也没有贴标签标注。

    The stuff has never been properly logged and labelled

  7. 根据欧盟的一项新指令,杀虫剂的标签标注将更加明确。

    Thanks to a new EU directive , insecticide labelling will be more specific .

  8. 过对文件进行整合和标注,让他人能够理解,这样的努力使科学家们更加有条理和自律,避免日后出现混淆。

    By   making   the   effort   to   organize   and label   files   so   others   can   understand   them ,   scientists   become   more   organized   and   better disciplined   themselves ,   thus   avoiding   confusion   later   on .

  9. Wendy一不小心在社交网站上发布了一张带有标注文字“20周”的自拍照,结果朋友们推断出她一定是怀孕了。

    Wendy accidentally shared a selfie with the caption1 ' twenty weeks ' , and friends put two and two together – she 's pregnant . It 's typical of him to put two and two together and make five .

  10. 这是大多数标注的电视幽默剧所采用的题材

    This is the stuff most stadard TV sitcoms are made of .

  11. 这条组织完善,统一的课程丰富地被说明,丰富地被相互参照和充分地被标注

    This well-organized , unified course copiously illustrated , amply cross-referenced , and fully indexed .

  12. 通知明确,网络秀场直播平台要对节目内容和对应主播实行标签分类管理,按“音乐”“舞蹈”“唱歌”“健身”“游戏”等进行分类标注。

    Livestreaming shows and hosts should be clearly classified , based on their content , as music , dance , singing , fitness or games , among other categories , according to the circular .

  13. deepweb数据抽取和语义标注技术研究

    Research on Technology of Deep Web Data Extraction and Semantic Annotation

  14. @WebService标注只是使该接口成为Web服务接口。

    The @ WebService annotation simply makes the interface a Web service interface .

  15. 用户在使用Web服务之后,可通过带有语义断言的关键词对服务进行标注。

    After using a service , a user can tag it with semantic assertion .

  16. Web服务语义标注方法

    Web service semantic annotation

  17. 机械CAD图形计算机辅助标注系统的研制

    Development of Automatic Dimensioning System of Mechanic CAD Drawing

  18. 机械零件图样的粗糙度标注在AUTOCAD中的自动生成

    The Auto Generation of Roughness in Auto CAD

  19. 属性:Java属性和列标注

    Attributes : Java properties and column annotations

  20. 然后,提出了一种基于CURE算法的推荐技术,人工对选取的样本进行标注。

    Then the solution proposes a recommended sample tagging method based on CURE algorithm .

  21. 通过一个具体案例,阐述了基于Ontology标注进行案例表达的方法。

    The ontology annotation based case represent method is illustrated through a simple instance .

  22. 分词和词性标注模块采用了最大词长匹配算法,句法分析模块采用了改进的Chart算法。

    They have adopted the Maximum Match based approach algorithms and improved Chart algorithm separately .

  23. 标注上r和z方向。

    So , I 'm going to draw these r and z directions as before .

  24. 针对动态Web页以查询生成居多的特点,提出标注与反馈相结合的深度标注框架,即第一步通过标注模块进行初步标注,并记录Web页面的查询要求;

    In allusion to most dynamic Web pages are generated by query operation , a deep annotation frame with feedback module are put forward .

  25. AutoCAD标注机械图样尺寸的实用对策

    The practical method of marking dimension in complex engineering-drawings with AutoCAD software

  26. 基于AutoCAD的形位公差代号标注系统的开发

    Development of a geometric tolerance code tagging system based on the AutoCAD

  27. 注意:为了简单起见,下列清单中已经从生成的Java代码删除了注释和标注。

    Note : Comments and annotations in the following listings have been removed from the generated Java code for brevity .

  28. Petri网的标注可达树

    Labeled reachability tree of Petri nets

  29. 由于SOAP是XML,几个标记可能有许多不同的标签但仍然标注同一个数据。

    Because SOAP is XML , several tags can have many different labels but still mark up the same data .

  30. 倒角和锥度自动标注在UG中的研究和实现

    The Study and Realization of Auto Marking Chamfer and Taper in UG