
  1. 谈CI设计中企业标志的设计

    Corporate Symbol in CI Design

  2. 无论您的要求如何,包括全新的网络企业形象、品牌、平面、广告、横幅广告或企业标志的设计和网络运用,BOC的解决方案适合您。

    Whether your requirements involve , new corporate identity , branding , stationary , advertisements , banners or corporate logo development , BOC has the solutions for you .

  3. 本文通过实例论述了UIS设计的一般程序及方法,重点论述高校标志的设计及创意手法。

    This paper discusses the general procedures and methods of UIS design through examples , with a focus on the designing and creative means of university logo .

  4. 谈品牌包装、商标、标志的设计策略

    On The Designing strategy of package trademark and logo for Commodities

  5. 光栅测量系统零位标志的设计方法

    The Design of Zero Reference Mark for Grating Measurment Systems

  6. 重点论述生态设计理念对动态标志的设计影响。

    Focuses on eco-design concept of dynamic logo design .

  7. 高速公路网络环境下交通标志的设计

    Traffic Sign Design Under Circumstances of Expressway Network

  8. 远程控制可变限速标志的设计

    Design of long-range controllable variable speed limit sign

  9. 论述了武汉国际文化产业博洽会标志的设计过程。

    The process of design signs to Wuhan International Culture Industry Exposition was introduced .

  10. 该研究结果可为城市道路限诛标志的设计与设置提供科学依据。

    This research may provide a theoretical basis for the installation and design of speed-limit signs .

  11. 城市标志的设计原则探索

    Urban landmark design principles

  12. 浅析商标标志的设计

    Analysis of Trademark Design

  13. 世界经济日益全球化和自由化,作为传播符号的标志的设计也面临新的挑战。

    With the economy being globality and freedom , the logo designing as propagative symbol is faced with new challenge .

  14. 但目前在交通标志的设计、设置以及认识上存在着许多问题,致使交通标志起不到应有的作用,有些甚至形同虚设。

    But there are many problems on design , installation , and understanding , which make traffic signs not play a role in traffic supervision .

  15. 标志的设计以中国传统文化“旭日东升,万象更新”的美好意愿为主题思想。

    The design for the lotto highlights the theme of " Sun rising in the east and accordingly Visions renewed " which is a well-meaning wish in Chinese traditional culture .

  16. 产品表面标志的设计和排放将成为面板的亮点,给人带来全新的生活体验。

    The design and arrangement of sign on the panel of the surface will become the light spot of the product , which brings brand-new adventure in daily life to users .

  17. 动态标志的设计形式拓宽设计的方法以及思路,预示未来的平面设计趋势将是涵盖人类全部感官的综合性设计。

    The dynamic symbol 's design form expands the design the method as well as the mentality , indicated that future plane design tendency covers the human complete sense organ 's comprehensive design .

  18. 这一类的标志的设计中未必出现汉字,但却在无形中透露汉字的影响或精髓,运用汉字与文化共同发展的传播方式以最优势的认知度面对受众。

    Sign of this type will not appear in Chinese characters . However , the impact of Chinese characters which reveal . It use of Chinese characters and culture to the common mode of transmission efficiency in the face of the cognitive advantages of audience .

  19. 一种新的可变信息标志技术的设计和应用

    Design and Application of a New Variable Message Signs

  20. 三维数据拼接中编码标志点的设计与检测

    Design and recognition of coded targets for 3-D registration

  21. 汉字标志风格的设计

    Design of Emblems with Chinese Characters

  22. 总结了指路标志版面的设计思路和指路标志信息选取的一般性原则。

    Summarized the layout method and the general principle of information selection of the guide signs .

  23. 短语如标志性的设计充斥在汉城设计师和水原工程师的谈话中。

    Phrases such as iconic design permeated the conversations of designers in Seoul and engineers in Suwon .

  24. 论标志的以人为本设计

    Log Design Based on Human

  25. 第一次设计方案被废弃,因为比利时艺术家奥利维尔.德比称该方案抄袭他为剧院标志做的设计.

    The first design was rejected after Belgianartist Olivier Debie alleged it copied his design for a theatre logo .

  26. 主要研究指路标志牌的设计以及指路信息系统的组织两方面。

    It mainly discusses the design of road traffic guide sign , and the organization of road traffic guide system .

  27. 一层层,一飞冲天的建筑就会出现,而且通常是创纪录的高度、标志性的设计。

    Floor by floor a soaring structure will appear , usually record setting in its height and iconic in its design .

  28. 提出了一种编码标志点的设计与检测方法,以满足三维扫描测量中对大面积物体进行全场检测的编码标志点拼接法的要求。

    An algorithm was developed for3-D registration of coded targets based on observations of all sides of objects with large surface areas .

  29. 本文从吉祥图案的语义表达入手,分析传统吉祥观念下现代标志的创新设计方法。

    In this paper , the semantics of expression of auspicious patterns are analyzed under the concept of the traditional auspicious symbol of modern innovative design approach .

  30. 规划从功能分区与意象区域营造、道路规划、边界的处理、景观节点的布置、标志物的设计这几个方面进行借鉴。

    Planning from the partition function and image area construction , road planning , boundary treatment , landscape node layout , markers in the design of these aspects for reference .