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  1. 弗氏佐剂与氢氧化铝佐剂对诱导小鼠获得性免疫应答作用的比较

    Comparison of the role of Freund 's adjuvant and aluminum hydroxide hydrate in inducing mouse adaptive immune response

  2. 初次免疫把弗氏完全佐剂与等体积的L1融合蛋白溶液研磨成油包水乳剂皮下多点注射于家兔的背部。

    In the first immune experiment , L1 fusion protein was blended with a same volume of Freund 's complete adjuvant and injected into the back of the rabbit by subcutaneous injection .

  3. 正规弗晰集合结构与布尔值模型

    The Normal Fuzzy Set Structures and the Boolean_ valued Models

  4. 天生畸形、被巴黎圣母院收容而担任敲钟人的卡西莫多,以及圣母院的副主教弗侯洛、与侍卫队的队长腓比斯,都情不自禁的爱上美丽的艾丝梅拉达。

    Quasinodo , the bell striker naturally macrocephalic and accepted by Notre Dame de Paris , Frollo , coadjutor and Phoebus , the leader of housecarl , they let themselves go to beautiful Esmeralda .