
  1. 小的父亲乃是御窑厂总管。

    My father is the chief of the plant .

  2. 但是因为御窑厂的兴建。

    But due to the emergence of imperial kilns .

  3. 这些因素最终促成了景德镇御窑厂的繁荣。

    The system of supervision Kiln and Xiezao improved the technics and quality of Jingdezhen imperial kiln .

  4. 明代政府在这个世界瓷都设立了御窑厂,建立起官窑体制,景德镇的陶瓷生产也从此进入了官民对立并行的阶段。

    The Ming Dynasty government set up official kiln in the Ceramics Capital , established the official kiln system , so the ceramics production in Jingdezhen entered a time that both official kiln and folk kiln coexisted .