
  1. 真想不到这些家具居然是从小市买的。

    It is surprising that this furniture was bought from a flea market .

  2. 他补充说,如果你是以长远眼光看待股市,那么目前的利润和收益比率已经开始显示,现在是入市买股的好时机。

    But , he added , 'Profit and earning ratios are starting to get to the point where buying stocks is a potentially good deal if you 've got a long-term perspective on it .

  3. 我们明天要去市里买点东西。

    We 're gonna go into town tomorrow for some things .

  4. 我们派了一个同学到市里买一些纸来。

    We sent a classmate to town to buy some .

  5. 他们在森林公园市郊外买了一所小房子,但几个月不能人住。

    They bought a small house at the outskirt of Forest Park but it wasn 't suitable for human in several months .

  6. 在起诉前,她拒绝接受建筑商给出的赔款,称那点钱还不够在市郊区买一间房子。

    She refused the builder 's offer of money , saying it wasn 't enough even to get a room on the outskirts of the city , and has sued .

  7. 至于前述之农民阻谷出境,是因为贫农自己粮食不够吃,还要向市上买,所以不许粮价高涨。

    As for the ban on sending grain out of the area , it is imposed to prevent the price from rising because the poor peasants have not enough to feed themselves and have to buy grain on the market .

  8. 小孩子在亚历山大市受到约束,买最多的儿童书。

    Kids are in control in Alexandria , which bought the most children 's books .

  9. 全世界只有在新奥尔良市,你去买尼龙长袜子,他们要知道你脑袋的尺寸。

    New Orleans is the only city in the world you go in to buy a pair of nylon stockings they want to know your head size .