
  • 网络DOWNTOWN HOTEL;The Midtown Hotel
  1. 肉库区的梦想市中心酒店(DreamDowntown)周一至周四租用一天泳池要价175美元。

    The Dream Downtown , a hotel in the Meatpacking District , charges $ 175 a day to use the pool , Monday through Thursday .

  2. 回到她在市中心的酒店,那些大城市的朋友惊讶地发现这些事件将纽约餐会变成了密西西比州团聚。

    Heading back downtown toward her hotel , her big-city friends were amazed at the turn of events that had changed their Big Apple dinner into a Mississippi state reunion .

  3. 一名男士步入了奥斯汀市中心W酒店的会议室。

    A MAN walks into a conference room at the W hotel in downtown Austin .

  4. 此外,市中心的酒店档次通常会高一些。

    Plus , downtown hotels generally have a higher number of stars .

  5. 福井表示,将继续保持低利率不变,行情走俏。看看这家在东京市中心新酒店开业吧!

    Fukui says interest rates will likely stay low and sentiment upbeat . Look at the opening of this hotel in Tokyo Midtown .

  6. 在市中心的酒店吃午饭时,施坦威的高管庆祝这次比赛的成功。它吸引了1.5万名报名者,创下了记录。

    Over lunch at a downtown hotel , Steinway executives celebrated the success of the competition , which attracted more than 15000 applicants , a record .

  7. 如今人们不再仅仅局限于市中心的酒店了,如果是周末想要作短途旅行的话,近郊的酒店是非常好的选择。

    Discerning customers nowadays no longer confine themselves to downtown hotels ; Instead , they patronize hotels in the suburban areas , welcome alternatives for an excursion at the weekend .

  8. 我被穿梭巴士送到市中心的Doubletree酒店。

    I was sent by shuttle bus to Doubletree Hotel in the downtown .

  9. 百老汇的剧院仍在纠结这个问题,不过洛杉矶市中心的埃斯酒店剧院(TheateratAceHotel)为艾美奖获奖电视剧《透明家庭》(Transparent)的红毯首映礼准备了全性别卫生间

    Broadway theaters are still grappling with the issue , but the Theater at Ace Hotel in downtown Los Angeles had all-gender restrooms for the red carpet premiere of the Emmy-winning television series " Transparent . "

  10. 曼哈顿市中心的时髦酒店一向享有盛誉,比如Mercer酒店、SixtySoHo酒店和CrosbyStreet酒店。最新登场的是拥有175间客房的20层高的勒德洛酒店(Ludlow)。

    The 175-room , 20-story Ludlow is one of the latest arrivals to downtown Manhattan 's well-established chic hotel scene , which includes the Mercer , Sixty SoHo and Crosby Street hotels .

  11. 目前,这种酒在都柏林市中心的威斯汀酒店内的薄荷酒吧里出售。这种酒的成分包括加入了香草的伏特加酒、有200年历史的干邑白兰地以及纯度为23K的黄金薄片等。

    The " Minted " cocktail a vanilla and chocolate Martini on sale at the Mint Bar in central Dublin 's Westin Hotel includes vanilla-infused vodka , 200-year-old cognac and flakes of23-carat gold .

  12. 追逐在市中心的春天酒店前结束。

    The chase ended in downtown Los Angeles in front of the Spring Hotel .

  13. 撒切尔在伦敦市中心的丽兹酒店因中风去世。

    She died of a stroke while staying in the Ritz hotel in central London

  14. 我在市中心的王子酒店订了一个房间,住三个晚上。

    I 've booked a room for three nights at the Prince Hotel in the downtown area .

  15. 去市中心的皮埃蒙特酒店咯咯笑组合就住那儿,问他们去讨票好了?

    Go downtown to the piedmont hotel where the gurgles are staying and beg them for tickets ?

  16. 您要是愿意的话,我们想把你们先安排在地处市中心的假日酒店下榻。

    If you don 't mind , we would like to accommodate you in Holiday Inn , which is .

  17. 至少它对于大卫卡特是这样的,著名的英国设计师,他最近在伦敦市中心的精品酒店炫耀他的安妮女王排屋。

    At least it is to David Carter , a renowned English designer who recently turned his Queen Anne townhouse into a swank boutique hotel in the heart of London .

  18. 喜达屋酒店及度假村集团正式宣布,广州天誉威斯汀酒店隆重开幕,成为首间进驻广州市中心的国际酒店品牌。

    Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide , Inc. ( NYSE : HOT ) announced the opening of The Westin Guangzhou , the first international hotel brand to open in Guangzhou 's city centre .

  19. 外长们正在莫斯科市中心富丽堂皇的十月酒店里开会。

    The foreign ministers are meeting in the splendour of Oktyabrskaya Hotel in central Moscow .

  20. 在曼哈顿市中心的一家酒店的房间里,两个Jibo机器人和它们的发明者辛西娅o布雷西亚博士正在等着我。

    Off to a hotel room in Midtown Manhattan , then , where two Jibos and Dr. Cynthia Breazeal , the robot 's creator , awaited me .

  21. 紫禁城和天坛是步行游览如果你留在市中心的一个酒店。

    Forbidden City and Temple of Heaven are walkable if you stay at a downtown hotel .

  22. 某周五晚上,在纽约市中心颇为新潮的酒店房间里举行的一场聚会早早开始了。

    On a recent Friday night in New York , the partying in a trendy downtown hotel room started early .

  23. 为给奥巴马一行人留下深刻的印象,位于上海市中心的万豪酒店已经精心准备了美式酒食。

    To impress the Obama team , the Marriott hotel chain property in downtown Shanghai said it has highlighted American food and drinks .

  24. 这种不张扬的态度还体现在他慢声细语的说话方式中,以及本次采访的地点:伦敦市中心一家奢华酒店里一间的朴素会议室。

    This unassuming approach extends to his softly spoken manner and the venue for the interview : a bland conference room in a luxurious central London hotel .

  25. 周三3名自杀式炸弹袭击者袭击了在摩加迪沙市中心的一家酒店,当时索马里新当选的总统哈桑·谢赫·马哈茂德正在这里会见肯尼亚外交部的一位代表。

    Three suicide bombers attacked a hotel Wednesday in downtown Mogadishu where newly-elected Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud was meeting with a delegation from the Kenyan foreign ministry .

  26. 昨日抵达雅典与希腊客户召开年会的国际银行家们,不得不在防暴警察和扔石块的青年人中间低头穿行,前往位于市中心宪法广场的酒店。

    International bankers arriving yesterday for year-end meetings with Greek clients had to run a gauntlet of riot police and stone-throwing youths to reach hotels in central Syntagma Square .

  27. 然而,既然这些来英国的访客们多数都住在伦敦市中心少数几个高档酒店里,把他自己的安乐窝安置在附近也合情合理。

    And , since most stay at one of the handful of top central London hotels on visits to the UK , it made sense to find his own crash pad nearby .

  28. 喀布尔的酒店上次受到重大攻击是在2008年,当时武装分子冲进了市中心豪华的塞雷纳酒店,打死8人。

    The last major attack on a Kabul hotel was in2008 , when militants stormed the luxury Serena Hotel in the center of the city , killing eight people in a coordinated assault .