
  • 网络peripheral security environment
  1. 试析中国周边安全环境中的印度因素

    A trial analysis of Indian factor in the peripheral security environment of China

  2. 从地缘政治视角看21世纪初中国周边安全环境及安全战略

    The 21 ~ ( st ) Century China 's Peripheral Security Environment and Strategy From Geo-political View

  3. 中国的周边安全环境与睦邻外交政策

    China 's Security of Surrounding Environment and Good-neighborly Foreign Policy

  4. 中国周边安全环境与地缘战略构想

    The Security Environment around China and Relative Geopolitical Strategies

  5. 我们应当制定正确的应对措施,以争取建立有利己的周边安全环境。

    We should stipulate corresponding measures to guarantee the safe environment of our bordering area .

  6. 中国周边安全环境透析

    Analysis on the Chinese Peripheral Safe Environment

  7. 进入21世纪后,中国周边安全环境呈现出机遇与挑战并存的明显特征。

    After Entering 21st centuries , the Chinese peripheral safe environment presents the both obvious characteristic of an opportunity and challenges .

  8. 这种政策致使伊朗的周边安全环境相对恶化,伊朗的一些重要外部关系也面临新的压力和考验。

    These policies exacerbate the security surroundings of Iran . Some important external relationships of Iran are facing pressure and tests .

  9. 美国欲借“反恐”之名,行霸权之实,使中国的地缘安全面临极大挑战。为此,中国必须妥善应对,积极营造周边安全环境,加强我国战略纵深依托。

    Faced with the great challenge of regional security , China must properly and actively make a safe surrounding environment to rely on .

  10. 我国作为一个邻国众多的国家,需要优先考虑的问题是如何营造良好的周边安全环境。

    As a nation with many neighbors , China should give priority to the question of how to make good peripheral security environment .

  11. 在诸多因素的综合作用下,中国周边安全环境呈现出总体上稳定,局部动荡的态势。

    Under the comprehensive function of many factors , the Chinese peripheral safe environment present a total stability , the situation of the part turbulence .

  12. 文章从地缘政治视角对影响中国周边安全环境的因素加以略论,并对中国的地缘战略选择进行了再思考。

    From the geo-political view , the writer comments on factors affecting China 's peripheral security environment , and rethinks the choice of geo-political strategy .

  13. 冷战时期,中国的周边安全环境不断变化,20世纪50年代,中国的周边环境呈现出北方安全、东南方严峻的基本态势;

    During the Cold War the security environment on China 's periphery experienced changes . During the 1950s , China 's north was secure but the situation on its south was grim .

  14. 在一超多强的国际政治新格局下,中国经济得以腾飞,政治压力得以缓解,周边安全环境得以改善。

    In one super state and more Powerful countries The international to be the political to be new under pattern , China can soar economy , can alleviate politics pressure , the safe environment of perimeter can be improved .

  15. 9.11事件后,美国的扩张势头进一步加剧,这将使我国周边安全环境中的不确定因素明显增多,但也为我们提供了重大的战略机遇。

    After September 11 events , the momentum of the US expansionism is further increasing . It will produce more uncertain factors to the security environment of China 's periphery , but will provide us significant strategic opportunities as well .

  16. 发展与中亚地区各国的睦邻友好合作关系,维护中亚地区的和平、安全、繁荣与稳定,有助于形成一个和平、稳定的周边安全环境,从而为中国的和平发展提供有力的保障。

    Developing good-neighborly and friendly cooperative relations with Central Asian countries in this region , and maintaining peace , security , prosperity and stability of Central Asian region is helpful to establish a peace and stable peripheral security environment , thus providing a powerful safeguard for China 's peace development .

  17. 中国周边非传统安全环境问题及其对策思考

    The Question and Countermeasure of Not Tradition Safe Environment Around China

  18. 从中国的角度看,中美合作空间增加,但是与日本、东盟等周边国家的关系要受到美国影响,可能导致中国周边安全环境恶化,经济发展外部环境趋紧。

    For China , the space of Sino-US cooperation increased but the relationship with Japan , ASEAN and other neighbouring countries is influenced by the United States . The surrounding security environment is deteriorating and the external environment for economic development is tightening .