
  • 网络Western international relations theory
  1. 他者的微弱呼声&西方国际关系理论中的女性主义

    Weak Voice of the Other : Feminism in Western International Relations Theory

  2. 但是,当代西方国际关系理论存在着一定的欠缺。

    However , there are deficiencies in contemporary western international relations theory .

  3. 西方国际关系理论中本体论的哲学基础

    The Philosophic Basis of Ontology in International Relations Theories in the West

  4. 西方国际关系理论中小国概念分析

    An Analysis of the Concept of Small States in Western International Relations Theory

  5. 西方国际关系理论中的国家利益研究回顾与评析

    Review and Analysis on Research of National Interests in Western International Relations Theory

  6. 西方国际关系理论的进步意识形态

    The Ideology of Progress in Western International Relations Theories

  7. 新现实主义和新自由主义是西方国际关系理论的两大流派。

    Neorealism and Neoliberalism are the two great schools in western international relations theory .

  8. 理想主义是西方国际关系理论早期的理论流派之一。

    Idealism is one of the early theoretical trends in the western international ethics .

  9. 而就西方国际关系理论所关注的外部世界而言,它又成为了西方中心论的合法化证明。

    To legitimate the international relations as a discipline and western domination of the theory .

  10. 对西方国际关系理论的哲学思考&兼议中国国际关系理论的构建

    Philosophical Reflections on Western International Relation Theories & with Explorative Thoughts on China 's IRT Building-up

  11. 现实主义是西方国际关系理论中影响最大最传统的研究范式。

    Realism is the biggest and most traditional research mode in the theory of west international relations .

  12. 理性主义的发展对西方国际关系理论的演进产生了深刻影响。

    The evolution of IR theories in the West has been deeply affected by the development of rationalism .

  13. 针对当前西方国际关系理论在解释现实和预测未来上的混乱和无力,作者提出理解过去成为重构国际关系研究的前提;

    The author argues that understanding the past is the precondition of remaking the study of International Relations .

  14. 全球市民社会是20世纪90年代以来在西方国际关系理论中兴起的新的话语。

    Global civil society is a neologism that emerging since the 1990s in the field of international relations studies .

  15. 在研究模式上,西方国际关系理论中的传统理论和批判理论都对其产生了一定的影响;

    In terms of methodology , both traditional and critical theories of Western international relations have been comprehensively employed .

  16. 在当代中国的外交实践中,许多问题也有必要从西方国际关系理论和中国的视野两个方面进行梳理。

    In China 's contemporary diplomatic practice , many IR issues can benefit from both the Western and Chinese perspective .

  17. 总体上看,西方国际关系理论的发展与深化是和理性主义的丰富与完善密切相关的。

    Generally , the development and deepening of Western IR theories are closely related to the abundance and perfection of rationalism .

  18. 当代西方国际关系理论中的建构主义为上述实况提供了一种新的思维尝试、分析框架与消解困境的方案补充。

    The theory of constructivism of western international relation offers new tentative ideation , analyzable frame and solution for the above objectivity .

  19. 但是,20世纪70年代以来西方国际关系理论都对非传统安全予以了充分的关注,则是不可否认的。

    However , it is undeniable that the western international relations theories have paid abundant attention to non-traditional security issues since the 1970s .

  20. 在西方国际关系理论之中,均势理论是起源最早、影响最为深远的理论之一。

    Among western international relationship theories , the balance of power theory is one of theories which originate most early and have profound significance .

  21. 西方国际关系理论经典文献提供了解释国家行为的两个外交政策理论&经典现实主义和防御型现实主义。

    The classical documents of western international relations theories offer two theories of domestic policies to interpret national behavior : classical realism and defensive realism .

  22. 客观而言,在已经日趋成熟的西方国际关系理论中,也没有关于非传统安全研究的独立理论框架。

    Objectively speaking , it is surprising that there is no special theoretical framework for non-traditional security studies in the ever-maturing western international relations theories .

  23. 建构主义作为西方国际关系理论中新兴的主流学派之一,具有自己独特的理论视角,它将社会学的研究方法引入国际关系领域。

    Constructivism is one of mainstream theories in west international relations ( IR ); it has particular sight that it introduces social studying methods into IR .

  24. 未来的中国国际关系理论源自中国器物、中国制度和中国精神,超越了西方国际关系理论成为国际理论。

    The prospective Chinese theory , which originates in Chinese approach , Chinese system and Chinese spirit , will transcend the existing occidental theory , becoming the international theory .

  25. 以色列国家安全战略的基本指导思想和理论架构是西方国际关系理论中现实主义权力政治思想同中东国际政治斗争历史实践相结合的产物。

    The leading thought and theoretical structure of Israeli security strategy is the combination of realistic political thought and practice in history of the international political struggle in the Middle East .

  26. 男性弱质与父权秩序的倾覆《醒世姻缘传》的女权主义批评他者的微弱呼声西方国际关系理论中的女性主义

    Man s Feebleness and the Overturn of Patriarchy ── The feminism rebutment of Marriages to Awaken Common People ; Weak Voice of the Other : Feminism in Western International Relations Theory

  27. 在传统流派划分中,现实主义和自由主义被视为西方国际关系理论的代表,而马克思主义则是与之相区别的批判理论的代表。

    In the traditional genre classification , Realism and Liberalism have been seen as representatives of western international relations theories . Marxism has been seen as the representative of critical theories .

  28. 西方国际关系理论流派中的新现实主义、新自由制度主义和建构主义都从各自的理论假设出发,演绎推论出了不同的国际合作理论:霸权合作论、制度合作论和合作文化论。

    From different theoretical hypotheses , neo-realism , neo-liberalism and constructivism of western schools of international theory have worked out different international cooperation theories : hegemonic cooperation theory , institutional cooperation theory and cooperative culture theory .

  29. 从研究方法上看,受到科学哲学的影响,西方国际关系理论在追求理论范式的严密性的同时,人为地隔裂了理论与历史之间的有机联系,走向了形而上学。

    From the methodology , under the influence of scientific philosophy , western international relations theory artificially divides the relationship between theory and history and walks up to metaphysics while pursing the strictness of theoretical paradigm .

  30. 参照西方国际关系理论谱系有重要借鉴意义,但强调中国的国际关系理论应更具鲜明的实践品质,并尝试提出了和谐的国际社会这一具有现实意义的理论概念和命题。

    More importantly , China 's IRT building-up shall strive to overcome the limitations of Western IRTs so much so that it is more practice-oriented and that harmonious international society is a valuable theoretical concept and proposition .