
  1. 在非A即B的革命思维模式下,他们否定中国传统文化,并企图以西方价值观念取而代之以建设中国新文化。

    Under the revolutionary thought pattern that something was either A or B , they denied Chinese traditional culture , attempting to replace it with western values in order to construct Chinese new culture .

  2. 中西方价值观念差异在时装广告中的体现

    The Differences between Chinese and Western Values in Fashion Advertisements

  3. 影响跨文化交际的主要因素&中西方价值观念差异

    Chief Factors Affecting Cross-cultural Communication & Difference between Chinese and Western Values

  4. 南华早报是一份日报,它分享典型的西方价值观念和新闻媒体视角。

    The SCMP is a daily newspaper that shares typical Western values and perspectives in media coverage .

  5. 中国当今社会的价值观念呈现出一种多元化的景象,那就是传统价值观念、西方价值观念和马克思主义价值观念多元并存。

    The current social values of China presenting a pluralistic phenomenon including traditional values , western values and Marxism value concept .

  6. 中国人受到几千年来传统伦理规范的束缚,又面临西方价值观念的冲击,在中西文化的冲撞中,处于一种压抑和寻求突围的状态。

    Confronted with cultural shock and later cultural clash , the Chinese people are not only confused by the Western ideas in a condition of oppression , but also get frustrated under the restrictions of the traditional morals of thousands of years .

  7. 英语格言中西方主要价值观念评价

    A Review of the Western Values Reflected In English Proverbs

  8. 文化导入的内容包括:西方的价值观念体系、词语的文化背景、相关的背景知识及英美国家的综合知识。

    Culture teaching contains western values , cultural connotations of words , related background information , and general knowledge about British and American cultures .

  9. 换句话说,亚洲国家的成功是依靠西方的价值观念和机构这种信念已经传播到各地。

    In other words , there is a widespread belief that success for Asian societies is dependent on their adoption of western values and institutions .

  10. 我们只有大力发展社会主义市场经济,吸收传统文化中的优秀成分,借鉴西方现代价值观念,才能成功地建构与现代经济建设相适应的价值观念。

    To establish values compatible with modern economic construction , it is necessary to greatly develop socialist market economy , assimilate the fine ingredients in traditional culture , and make use of the modern western values .

  11. 它实质上是反映资产阶级的利益诉求、情感需要和思想愿望,是一种热衷于传播和美化西方核心价值观念及社会制度的腐蚀性思潮。

    Essentially , it reflect the interests of the bourgeoisie demands , emotional needs and ideological aspirations , is a corrosive thought of interested in the propagation and landscaping of the Western core values and social system .

  12. 论东西方文化价值哲学观念的殊异与融通&兼谈时代青年人生价值观念之嬗变和定位

    On Differences and Exchanges of Philosophy Concept between Eastern and Western Culture Value

  13. 文化隔阂主要是指东、西方文化和价值观念的差异和冲突。

    Different cultural backgrounds between the East and the West lead to cultural gulf .

  14. 从历史看,无论在中国还是西方,文学价值观念始终是一个繁复的群体,具有多样性。

    Either in China or in the west , literary values has always been a various complicated system in history .

  15. 学习自主性概念常常被认为是西方的文化价值观念,因而不适用于中国。

    The concept of learner autonomy is considered , more often than not , as laden with the Western cultural values and unsuited to the traditions of learning and teaching in China .

  16. 梁启超、孙中山等资产阶级维新派和革命派以一种新的文化心态反思传统,发掘与西方相似的价值观念,努力寻求墨学与西学的相通之处。

    Liang Chi-chao , Sun Yat-sen and other bourgeois reformers and revolutionaries to a new culture to reflect the traditional attitude to explore similarities with Western values , to seek and Western Mohism of things in common .

  17. 生态文明理念的导入是针对以西方现代文明价值观念为代表的,给生态环境造成巨大危害的反省和批判,以及在消费文化统治下人类被自己创造的物质文明所异化的社会现象。

    The introduction of the concept of ecological civilization is to reflect upon the enormous harm on ecological environment by the philosophy of western civilization , and the social phenomenon alienated by the self-created material civilization under the rule of the consumer culture .

  18. 本文试图通过对路德新教信仰蕴含与张扬的近代人文价值向度的历史理论剖析,具体阐释其对近代西方社会价值形态观念构建与演进所显示的重要时代意义。

    Through a historical analysis of the value structure of the Lutheran faith , including rational faith and its implications , and its advocacy of modem social values , this paper expounds the epochal significance of the structure and development of social values in modern western society .

  19. 西方现代性道德价值观念体系之建立论纲

    An Outline of the Theory of Moral Value in the West

  20. 明确的批判态度是其显著征候,尤其对西方文化的主流价值观念的批判最为集中和猛烈。

    The clear critical attitude , especially centrally and seriously criticizing the mainstream value idea of the Western culture , is the remarkable signs of the study .

  21. 由于中西方传统习惯、价值观念、宗教信仰、思维方式等的不同,使得中西方文化表现出诸多差异。

    As the different ways in traditional of habits , values , religious beliefs , such as and thinking between China and Western countries , there are a lot of differences in performance .

  22. 对作为传承世界文化载体的传媒面对西方的文化和价值观念的强力渗透该朝着什么样的方向发展进行了分析。

    As a supporter of the cultural heritage of the world media , in the context of the global cultural integration in China , the visual media industry is faced with the strong penetration of western culture and values .

  23. 在西方网络文化的影响下,非西方国家受众的价值观念、思想行为与主流文化的期待产生种种背离已成为一种可能。

    With the influence of western cyberculture , it is possible that the value , ideological action and the expectation of main-stream culture in the non-western countries can cause paradox .

  24. 而以美国为首的西方国家,由于其经济上的强势,不由地产生一种优越感,认为西方的价值观念是适用于各民族国家的。

    But western countries , which are led by the United States , and because of their economy advantages , thought that western values can be applied to every ethnic country .