
  • 网络dissaving;NL-WL;disserving
  1. 他们可以在任何时间进行负储蓄。

    They may at any time try to " dissave " .

  2. 相比之下,自2003年起,负储蓄率(即过度消费)则一直是希腊和葡萄牙两国的共同特点。

    In contrast , negative saving rates excess consumption have been a common feature of Greece and Portugal since 2003 .

  3. 就导致凯恩斯储蓄悖论和费雪债务型通缩的集体非理性而言,解决之道是政府的负储蓄以及公共部门的债务增加。

    As for the collective action failure implicit in the Keynesian savings paradox and the Fisher debt deflation mechanism , governments solved it by dissaving and debt accumulation by the public sector .

  4. 贷款呈现负增长,储蓄正在逃离这个国家。

    Loan growth has turned negative and deposits are leaving the country .