
  1. 其它财务指标,不管是债务还是赤字比率,都不是关键。

    Other financial criteria-debt or deficit ratios-are not critical for entry .

  2. 要实现这一愿景,2012年和2103年的预算赤字/GDP比率分别需要下降到4.5%和3%。

    To do that , it would need to achieve a budget deficit equivalent of 4.5 % of GDP in 2012 and 3 % in 2013 .

  3. 以意大利为例:该国净公共债务与国内生产总值(gdp)的比率为120%;平均到期期限是7年;财政赤字占gdp比率为4%。

    Consider the example of Italy : the net public debt is 120 per cent of gross domestic product ; average maturity is seven years ; and the fiscal deficit is 4 per cent of GDP .

  4. 预计,葡萄牙经常账户赤字相对gdp的比率仍将处在略低于10%的水平上。

    The current account deficit is projected to remain at just under 10 per cent of GDP .

  5. 在贝卢斯科尼领导下,自2001年以来,预算赤字占GDP的比率从107%攀升到120%。

    Under Mr Berlusconi since 2001 , the budget deficit rose from 107 per cent to 120 per cent .

  6. 该国2010年的经常账户赤字与GDP的比率接近4%,在又一场全球重大危机的冲击面前将较为脆弱。

    With a current-account deficit of close to 4 per cent of GDP in 2010 , it would be vulnerable to another big global shock .

  7. 意大利与希腊完全不同。希腊预算赤字与GDP的比率为9%,实际GDP以7%的速度收缩,经常账户赤字占GDP的比率为10%。

    Italy is totally different from Greece , which has a budget deficit of 9 per cent , real GDP declining at 7 per cent , and a current account deficit of 10 per cent .