
  • 网络notebook;Notebook Computer
  1. 笔记本计算机与GPS构成实时立体导航系统的研究

    Real Time 3D Navigation System Based on Notebook Computer and GPS

  2. 凭借专用的USB接口模块-USB100,遥测接收机可以通过USB端口与笔记本计算机实现高速数据通信而无需缓存和额外工作电源。

    With the USB interface module-USB100 , Its receiver can realize high speed data communication with the notebook computer through USB port without data buffer and extra operation power supply .

  3. 他们可能在家里建立自己的Web服务器,或者在Linux笔记本计算机上运行应用程序。

    This may be their own Web servers at home or applications that they run on their own Linux notebook .

  4. 论文中采用笔记本计算机与线阵CCD光电传感器对路基与铁轨的振动状况进行同步非接触的测量。

    We use notebook and linear Array CCD to in-phase non-contact measure the vibration of roadbed and rail in the open air .

  5. 您的每台UNIX机器可以使用相同的技术,这非常适合保护笔记本计算机上的数据。

    Each of your UNIX machines can use the same technique , and it 's ideal for keeping the data on your laptop safe .

  6. 现在,我们使用rsync把笔记本计算机直接同步到一个远程服务器。

    So , let 's start using rsync and directly synchronize your laptop with a remote server .

  7. 采集卡通过RS-232接口与台式机或笔记本计算机联机使用,便携性好。

    Acquisition card connects with desktop computer or notebook computer on line by using RS-232 interface , portable ness is good .

  8. 这次测试是在一个WindowsXP双核笔记本计算机上执行的,使用DB2V9.1代码库,模拟几个只由connect语句组成的DB2命令行处理程序作业流。

    This test was performed on a Windows XP dual-core laptop , using DB2 V9.1 code base , simulating several DB2 command line processor job streams that consisted exclusively of connect statements .

  9. 信息交付不再局限于桌面:可以通过智能手机、笔记本计算机、AppleiPad、上网本和平板电脑交付信息。

    The delivery of information is no longer restricted to the desktop : Information can be delivered via smart phones , laptops , Apple iPad , netbooks , and tablets , as well .

  10. 该系统的硬件部分主要有笔记本计算机、场强测试仪ESPI、轮轴脉冲信号触发器和GPS信号接收机等仪器设备等构成,通过软件使笔记本计算机控制测试设备进行场强测试。

    The system construct of the notebook computer , instrument ESPI , the axle pulse signal to trigger the instrument equipments and the GPS signal receiver etc. the notebook computer control the test equipment carry on the signal test through the software part .

  11. 当这名消费者想要升级计算机内的EMS内存条时,他发现该笔记本计算机内安装的是T2300ECPU,而不是Dell在订单表格上所标示的T2300。

    When the consumer tried to upgrade the EMS memory within the computer , he found that the laptop was fixed with a T2300E CPU , not the T2300 CPU Dell marked on the order form .

  12. 将您的便携式和笔记本计算机从插接站中移除。

    Removes your laptop or notebook computer from a docking station .

  13. 整个应用程序可以很容易地在笔记本计算机上运行。

    The whole application can easily be run on a laptop computer .

  14. 另一个团队成员坐在她最喜欢的咖啡馆里,使用她的笔记本计算机。

    Another team member sits in her favorite coffee shop and uses her laptop .

  15. 安装选项:工作站,服务器,笔记本计算机和定制。

    Choosing an Installation Class : Workstation , Server , Laptop , or Custom .

  16. 在我们这样的笔记本计算机市场终端,这个重量就是问题。

    At our end of the notebook market , that much weight is a problem .

  17. 它的主题报导包括:便携式和无线电子、航天器与笔记本计算机;

    Its subject coverage includes : portable and wireless electronics , spacecraft , and notebook computers ;

  18. 它的开发目的是充分利用笔记本计算机的便携特点和强大功能。

    The objective of the development was to fully utilize both the portability and powerful functions of notebook computer .

  19. 通过使用虚拟桌面,用户就不再需要带着沉重的笔记本计算机到处跑了。

    With a virtual desktop , users no longer have to carry a fully loaded laptop device to be mobile .

  20. 带串口的桌面计算机或笔记本计算机(更多信息见边栏关于主机平台的说明)

    A desktop or laptop computer with a serial port ( see the sidebar Notes on host platforms for more information )

  21. 当谈到膝上型计算机、笔记本计算机和掌上型计算机时,问题都是“计算机多小才算是太小?”

    When you start talking about laptops , notebooks , and palmtops , the question becomes ," How small is too small ?"

  22. 如果您同时使用笔记本计算机和桌面计算机,就可能需要及时地同步它们。

    If you work with both a laptop and a desktop computer , you know you have to synchronize the machines to keep them up to date .

  23. 在过去,移动意味着在笔记本计算机上本地安装全套程序并存储所有数据,然后带着它离开办公室。

    Traditionally , going mobile has meant carrying around a laptop device , with a full set of local programs and data to work away from the office .

  24. 尽管由于丢失笔记本计算机、备份磁带和非结构化数据造成了一些数据泄露事件,但是数据库是外部黑客和内部攻击者的主要目标。

    Also available in   Chinese Despite the noise you hear about data leakage through lost laptops , backup tapes , and unstructured data , databases are the primary target for external hackers and insider attacks .

  25. 基于笔记本计算机的心音分析仪由心音传感器、心音信号预处理盒、笔记本计算机、打印机、音箱和心音信号处理软件组成。

    A notebook computer based heart sound analysis instrument , consisting of phonocardiographic sensor , heart sound signal preprocessing box , notebook computer , printer , speakers , and heart sound signal processing software is introduced .

  26. 个人计算机越来越广泛的使用,其中更重要的是便携式或“笔记本”计算机的使用。

    The increasingly widespread use of personal computers , and , more important , of laptop or " notebook " computers .

  27. 直接把吸尘器接入你的笔记本电脑或计算机的USB端口。

    Simply connect the Vacuum to the USB port of your laptop or Computer .

  28. 最初,在本地主机(比如您的笔记本或桌面计算机)上有一个本地shell和一个远程shell。

    Initially , you have your original shell on your local host ( say , your laptop or desktop ) and a remote shell .

  29. 随着地理信息系统在PDA、个人通信设备、笔记本等移动计算机上的应用,以及与无线网络的结合,地理信息系统也进入了移动发展阶段。

    Along with the applications of GIS in mobile computers , including PDA , personal communication equipment and notebook , GIS that have been combined with wireless network , is coming into the mobile phase .

  30. 虽然泰坦的运算能力相当于50万台笔记本电脑,计算机科学家们仍不满足。

    Though Titan has the strength of 500,000 laptops , computer scientists are hungry for more .