
  1. 在这一背景下,中国的经济体制改革也必须更多地考虑与国际通行的规则和惯例接轨。

    Under this circumstance , China should pay more attention to the international rules and traditions during our economy system reform .

  2. 将市场经济看成资源配置方式的理念支撑了中国的经济体制改革,进入21世纪,解决中国经济体制深层次矛盾,需要对中国经济体制转轨的实质有更深入的认识。

    The idea of regarding market economy as the means of resource collocation dominated China 's reform in the later decades of the 20 ~ ( th ) century .

  3. 但是,当中国的经济体制改革走到今天,当中国的股票市场发展到今天,股权分置已经成为中国股票市场众多问题的根源,成为制约中国股票市场进一步发展的最大障碍。

    With the deeping of economic system reform in China and the development of stock market , the split of shares has become the origin of numerous issues , and the obstacles to the further development of the securities market in China .

  4. 改革开放20多年来,中国的经济体制改革已基本完成了由计划经济向市场经济的历史性转轨,社会保障体系的建设也取得了重大进展。

    Since the reform and open policy was established for more than 20 years , the economic system of china reform have already accomplished the basic transform from planned economy to market economy as a historic turn , the construction of society guarantee also make breakthrough .

  5. 进一步推进中国的农村经济体制改革,是中国市场经济体制改革过程中迫切需要解决的问题。

    The problem we have to resolve in the course of reforming is how to deepen the reforming of economic system in Chinese countryside .

  6. 中国社会的经济体制改革与武术走向世界的时代背景,决定少林武术应坚持国际化、社会化、产业化的发展方向。

    The reformation of Chinese economy system and background of Wushu 's going to the world demand that Wushu should adjust to the development trend of internationalization , socialization and industrialization .

  7. 我国欠发达地区经济市场化是在经济全球化的大背景下展开的,同中国国内的经济体制改革紧密相连,同时欠发达地区经济的落后迫使自己不得不进行市场化改革。

    Firstly , this part investigated the background of the market-orientation in less-developed region in china . The market-orientation is pushed by the tendency of economic globalization , domestic reform of economic system and the backwardness of its own economy situation .

  8. 他反思的一些积极成果和部分不足为中国新时期的经济体制改革提供了某些思路。

    His achievements and defects of his retrospection has provided something to the reforms of economic system at new stage in China .

  9. 随着中国的政治、经济体制改革的不断深入,社会进入了复杂的转型期。

    As the reform of the political and economic institution in China progresses thoroughly , Chinese society goes into a complicated period of transformation .

  10. 市场经济是市民社会存在的基础,中国市场经济的经济体制改革目标确定以后,中国的市民社会开始发育并发展起来。

    Market economy is the basis for the existence of civil society . China began to develop civil society after its economic reform goals established .

  11. 最近我很荣幸和金立群部长会面,就中国和英国的经济体制改革进行了简短的讨论。

    I recently had the pleasure of meeting Vice Minister Jin Liqun in London where we discussed briefly the economic reforms in China and in the uk .

  12. 随着中国市场导向的经济体制改革的深化,电力行业的体制改革也纳入实质性操作阶段。

    As the market-oriented reform in China is being deepened , the reform of its electricity industry 's system has come to the stage of the substantial implementation .

  13. 电力多种经营企业产生于中国特殊的宏观经济体制改革大环境,是我国电力体制改革和发展产物。

    Electric multiply management enterprise derived from the environment of reform in special macro economy system of china , and was the offspring of electric reform and development .

  14. 改革开放以来,中国的政治、经济体制改革,人们的思想观念发生极大变化,报纸等媒体也以极快的速度发展。

    Since opening-up and reform in the late 1970s , the idea and thought of Chinese people have changed a lot as well as political and economic system in China .

  15. 中国20多年的经济体制改革,其成绩有目共睹、不容置疑,但改革进一步深化、社会进一步发展所面临的矛盾也是很明显的。

    After more than 20 years economic reform in China , its result is obvious and undeniable to all , but the contradiction which the reforms further deepens and the society further develops faces also is huge .