
  • 网络Enterprise Growth Strategy;Company Growing Strategy
  1. 开放的复杂巨系统在企业成长战略中的运用与创新

    Application and Innovation of Open Complex Giant System in Enterprise Growth Strategy

  2. 可持续发展视角下的企业成长战略

    The Strategy of Companys Growing up in the Theory of Sustainable Development

  3. 不确定性条件下的企业成长战略

    The Strategy of Enterprise Growing Under Uncertain Environment

  4. 最后提出了三参数法基于生命周期理论的建筑企业成长战略分析框架。

    A tri-parameter analysis frame was proposed based on the analysis of competition and development strategies of different construction enterprises .

  5. 多元化是一种重要的企业成长战略,是企业发展到一定阶段必然要面临的选择。

    Diversification , one of the most important enterprise strategies , is inevitable for enterprises to reach a certain stage in their evolution .

  6. 多元化经营是具有长远性、全局性、系统性的企业成长战略,是企业发展到一定阶段后继续成长所必然面临的现实选择。

    Diversified management is a long-term , overall and systematic enterprise development strategy , is the reality choice of the enterprise which development to a certain stage .

  7. 最后,本文从已有的理论命题出发,对产业链整合、企业成长战略、政府政策制定和企业成长提出了一些建议。

    Finally , I made some suggestions from the existing theories proposition on integration of industrial chain , enterprise development strategy , government policy formulation and business growth .

  8. 本文对稻花香公司在不同时期的企业成长战略进行了深入的研究,进行了相关的分析并提供了相应的建议,可以为其他企业如何制定成长战略提供一个可供参考的依据。

    In this paper , the quality of enterprise growth strategy is studied , as well as other enterprises how to formulate development strategy provides a basis for reference .

  9. 技术规则经营是21世纪企业成长战略的最新发展动态,其核心内容是技术创新、标准拟制和市场锁定。

    Management of technology rules is the latest development trend of enterprise growing strategy in the 21st century , whose core contents are technology innovation , standard making and market " locking " .

  10. 本文结合企业成长战略管理实践,分析了企业普遍存在的资本依赖、过度负债、管理弱化、创新停滞、成长失调等五大陷阱。

    Combining the practice of enterprises management of growth strategy , this essay studies the five traps which commonly exit in the firms , the capital dependent , Ability transition , stagnation of innovation and imbalance of growth .

  11. 基于产品创新的高新技术企业成长战略。探讨了高新技术企业成长过程中不同生命周期的通用竞争战略。

    The fifth chapter discusses the feasibility of different strategies both for product innovation and competition for different stages during the growth course for the hi-tech enterprises by applying the theories of corporate life cycle and generic competitive strategy .

  12. 最后,从突破性创新程度和技术能力两个方面,探讨了企业成长战略的选择,给出了基于突破性创新环境的技术能力与成长战略选择模式。

    Finally , explores the choices of enterprise growth strategy from the two aspects of breakthrough innovation degree and technological capabilities , and gives the choice mode between the technical capacity and growth strategy based on the breakthrough innovation environment .

  13. 企业成长战略和人力资源管理战略是企业战略的重要组成部分,它们服从、服务于企业整体战略,企业其它战略的实施离不开它们的配合和支持。

    Enterprise growing-up strategy and management strategy of human resources are important parts of enterprise strategy , which is served and followed by them two . Other strategies aren 't able to depart from these two strategies ′ s support and cooperation .

  14. 企业外部成长战略的比较与选择研究

    The Comparison and Selection Study of Enterprise ' External Growth Strategy

  15. 我国民营企业持续成长战略研究

    Research on Selecting Sustained Growth Strategy for Private Enterprise in China

  16. 企业成长是战略管理中的一个重要的研究领域。

    Enterprises growth is an important area of research in strategic management .

  17. 本论文研究了国家铁路运输企业的成长战略。

    This paper studied national railway strategy of China .

  18. 企业成长与战略转型研究

    The Study on Enterprise Growth & Strategic Transformation

  19. 中国IT企业国际化成长战略及其制定

    The Research on the Internationalization Growth Strategy Analysis and Formulation of Chinese IT Firms

  20. 企业国际化成长战略研究

    On the Enterprise Internationalization Growth Strategy

  21. 基于资源观的民营科技企业国际化成长战略研究

    The Research On The International Growth Strategy Of High-tech Enterprises of Private Management Based On Resource-Based View

  22. 研究中国石油石化企业的成长战略,对于中国石油石化行业的生存与发展,具有重要的理论参考价值;

    So it is very necessary to study growing strategy of Chinese petrochemistry enterprises for their survival and growth .

  23. 企业国际化成长战略是动态竞争环境下企业持续健康成长的决定因素。

    The strategy of enterprise internationalization growth is the determinant for the enterprises to have a healthy sustainable development in the dynamic competitive environment .

  24. 购并与战略联盟,作为企业外部成长战略的二种重要手段受到广泛关注,由此企业面临在这二种战略之间作出选择的问题,但涉及此方面的研究不多。

    Acquisition and strategic alliance , as strategies for external growth have drawn great attention in recent years . But there is little of literature dealing with deciding between acquisition and strategic alliance .

  25. 企业选择成长战略,依据核心能力由硬核心能力向软核心能力的转变,可以依次选择专业化成长相关多元化成长非相关多元化成长路线。

    Enterprises choose strategy of growth , according to the transition from hard core capability to soft core capability , and may choose specialization growth - related diversity growth - non - related diversity growth in proper order .

  26. 从生态学角度研究企业的成长战略主要涉及两方面的内容:一方面是可持续发展的理论和实践,另一方面是企业仿生的理论与实践。

    Based on the theory of ecology , strategic research of enterprise growth includes two kinds of contents : one is the theory and practice of sustainable development , the other is the theory and practice of enterprise with viewpoint of bionics .

  27. 基于企业成长期财务战略的探讨

    A Probe into Enterprises ' Financial Strategy on Expansion Stage

  28. 论现代企业成长的组织战略:一种新的透视

    Onthe Organization Strategy for the Growth of Modern Enterprises : A New Perspective

  29. 高技术小企业内生成长战略

    Endogenous Growth Strategy of Hi - Tech Small Enterprise

  30. 中国民营企业成长中的战略陷阱与突破

    On Strategic Traps that China 's Privately-owned Enterprises Face in Their Development and Related Countermeasure