
kuò zhǎn nèi cún
  • extended memory
  • extend memory
  1. DOS应用程序使用扩展内存的C程序设计方法

    A Method of the Access Extended Memory for C Program in DOS Application Program

  2. 该方法是利用系统的扩展内存来兼容解释巨量NC程序和类似高级语言编写的NC程序。

    The extended memory is applied to CNC to interpret larger amount of NC program and NC program written by the language like some high level language .

  3. 如何利用EMS规范使用扩展内存

    How to Make Use of the Expanded Memory by EMS

  4. LPAR的目标扩展内存大小,以MB为单位

    Target expanded memory size in MB for the LPAR

  5. 提供一种新的C语言程序,可在IBM-PC系列微机上更有效地使用扩展内存。

    Provides a new program in C language which enables expanded memory to be adapted more effectively on computers compatible with IBM-PC.

  6. 如果LPAR的内存不足,则提供相对于目标扩展内存大小的百分比。

    The percentage against the target expanded memory size , if the LPAR has a memory deficit .

  7. 由于Linux在虚拟系统中应用的增加尤其是具有多处理器和大量内存的系统扩展内存的使用对性能非常重要。

    As Linux finds increasing use in virtualized systems particularly those with many processors and vast amounts of memory the ability to scale memory usage becomes critical to performance .

  8. 利用中断15H使用扩展内存

    The Utilizaton of Extended Memory with Interrupt 15H

  9. PC计算机上一般都配有若干兆字节的扩展内存,但在MS-DOS控制下没法直接使用。

    Some mega-bytes of the expanded memory are often attached to PC computers . But it is impossible to make direct use of the expanded memory under the control of the MS-DOS operating system .

  10. 采用OOP方法和事件驱动机制编制了数据采集软件,利用动态内存分配和使用扩展内存,使得每个监测点的数据样本数可达3000点以上。

    Object Oriented Programming method and event driven mechanism were employed to design data acquisition program . Total sample points of each observing spot are more than 3000 with dynamic memory allocation technology and using extended memory .

  11. 通过CPU芯片的发展和MS&DOS版本的更新,历史地介绍了微机内存管理技术的发展.详细地说明了常规内存、扩充内存、扩展内存、富裕内存的基本原理,实现方法和使用技巧。

    From development of CPU core and prompting MS-DOS version , this paper introduces the technical development of microprocessor memory management and minutely explained the basic principle , practical method and using skill about conventional memory . expanded memory ( EMS ), extended memory ( XMS ), free memory .

  12. 扩充扩展内存和上部内存的管理原理与使用方法

    Management and use of extended , expanded and upper memory

  13. 所获得的建模内存占目标扩展内存大小的百分比

    The percentage of modeled memory gain against the target expanded memory size

  14. 微波频谱分析仪扩展内存系统设计

    The Design and Realization of the Memory Card File System for Spectrum Analyzers

  15. 基于扩展内存数据存取方法的研究

    Research of the Methed on Saving and Reading Data Based on Extended Memory

  16. 扩展内存规范及扩展内存的使用

    Expanded Memory Standard and OPeration of Expanded Memory

  17. 如何使用扩展内存和扩充内存

    How to use extended memory and expanded memory

  18. 相对于目标扩展内存大小的百分比

    The percentage against the target expanded memory size

  19. 扩展内存中读取数据所需要的多余代码被最小化或干脆去掉。

    Additional code to access data in extended memory spaces is minimized or eliminated .

  20. 动态过程中,只需从扩展内存中取数据即可。

    In dynamic process , only directly getting the data from extend memory is OK .

  21. 一种利用扩展内存的编程方法

    An Approach to Program with Extented Memory

  22. 内存大小占实际内存大小/扩展内存大小的百分比

    The percentage of true memory size against the true memory size / expanded memory size

  23. 利用扩展内存实现实时数据采集

    Real-time data acquisition using expanded memory

  24. 为8031单片机加装扩展内存

    Install Extended Memory for 8031 Microcontroller

  25. 这显示了有关用于生成建模统计数据的扩展内存大小的具体信息。

    This displays details about the size of expanded memory that is used to produce the modeled statistics .

  26. 要使用记录文件生成建模目标扩展内存大小为5000MB的报告,可使用此代码

    To generate a report with the modeled target expanded memory size as5000MB using the recorded file , use this code

  27. 内存,那么就把扩展内存设置得尽量大一些,而把扩充内存设置得尽量小。

    Ded memory , set it so that there is as much extended and as little expanded memory as possible .

  28. 其他选项(如-Xnoclassgc)也许能够提供一些性能好处,但面临扩展内存需求不确定的风险。

    Other options , such as-Xnoclassgc , can give a small performance benefit but at the risk of indefinitely expanding memory requirements .

  29. 用户还可以选择扩展内存(仅限11寸吋版)、选用更快的处理器、扩展存储空间。

    That model also has additional options for more RAM ( for the 11-inch ) , a faster processor , and more storage .

  30. 通过对常规内存、扩充内存、扩展内存、影子内存、高速缓存及虚拟内存的应用分析,对微型计算机的内存技术作了较系统的分析和总结。

    By the applied analysis of conventional memory , expanded memory , extended memory , Rom shadow and cache , this thesis sums up the memory technology of PC systematically .