
  • 网络numerical method in structural analysis
  1. 复合结构振动分析的数值方法

    Numerical Methods for Vibration Analysis of Composite Structures

  2. 本文提出了多组载荷作用下三维结构下限分析的数值方法。

    A numerical method for the lower bound limit analysis of3-D structures under multi-loading systems is presented .

  3. 介绍了无梁板桥的特点以及其结构分析中的数值方法与优化方法。

    This paper presents the characteristics of the slab bridge without beam and presents the relative numerical and optimization methods of the structural analysis .

  4. 这种细观元法既能充分反映材料功能梯度变化特性;而其计算单元又和常规有限元一样,是一种针对功能梯度结构分析的有效数值方法。

    This microelement method enables to fully reflect the functionally graded properties of the materials , and the computational elements are equal to the normal finite elements .

  5. 采用罚函数方法成功地处理了塑性不可压条件,每一内部迭代相当于求解一个相关的弹性力学问题。本文提出了多组载荷作用下三维结构下限分析的数值方法。

    The penalty function ' method is used to deal with the plastic incompressibility condition . Every step of the iteration is equivalent to solving a relevant elastic problem . A numerical method for the lower bound limit analysis of 3-D structures under multi-loading systems is presented .

  6. 大跨度桁架几何大变形结构分析的一种数值方法

    An algorithm for analysis of large span truss structures with large deformation

  7. 高压终端结构场分析边界元数值方法

    A Boundary Element Numerical Method for Analysis of Field in High-Voltage Junction Termination

  8. 非线性结构随机分析数值模拟的方法研究

    The Numerical Simulation Methods for Non-Linear Stochastic Structure

  9. 介绍了一种大型结构分析的新的数值方法超级有限元法。

    A new numerical method , i.e. , the super finite element method is given of analyzing a large scale structure .

  10. 本文依据模糊变分原理以及峰型模糊数的运算法则,建立了模糊结构分析的数值理论和方法。

    This dissertation established numerical methods in the fuzzy structural analysis on the basis of fuzzy variational principle and peak fuzzy number .

  11. 本文利用变分有限元法、样条函数等,提出了薄壁箱梁结构分析的数值理论和方法。

    This dissertation establishes numerical methods in structural analysis on the basic of variation principle , finite member element method , spline function , etc.

  12. 利用有限杆元法,提出开洞核芯筒结构动力特性分析的数值方法。

    A numerical method is then proposed by applying the method of finite member element for analysing dynamic characteristic of the structure with perforated core walls .

  13. 在杆系结构有限元基础上,根据构件截面广义应力-应变关系,提出了空间框架结构非线性分析的简化数值方法&网格-等效截面法。

    Based on the finite element analysis of member structures and the generalized stress-strain relation of member section , a grid-equivalent section method is put forward to perform nonlinear analysis of space frame structures .