
wèi bīng
  • guard;bodyguard
卫兵 [wèi bīng]
  • [guard;bodyguard] 执行警卫任务的士兵

卫兵[wèi bīng]
  1. 卫兵接连开了四枪。

    The guard fired four shots in rapid succession .

  2. 他徒手掐死了卫兵。

    He throttled the guard with his bare hands .

  3. 他在边境过境处被卫兵逮捕。

    He was arrested by guards at the border crossing .

  4. 他们悄悄塞给卫兵一些钱。

    They 'd slipped some money to the guards .

  5. 卫兵接到命令,看见有谁企图逃跑就立即开枪。

    The guards were ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to escape .

  6. 总统在十二名卫兵的护送下到达。

    The President arrived , escorted by twelve soldiers .

  7. 他们悄悄塞给卫兵一些钱。

    They 'd slipped the guards some money .

  8. 卫兵准许我带相机和录音机。

    The guards permitted me to bring my camera and tape recorder

  9. 当他们走近时,每扇门外都有一名卫兵肃身立正。

    Outside each door a guard sprang to attention as they approached

  10. 我的铁皮箱放在了卫兵的行李车厢中。

    In the guard 's van lay my tin trunk .

  11. 虽然他有通行证,卫兵还是直勾勾地盯着他。

    The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass .

  12. 卫兵包围了该市的一所别墅后便发生了枪战。

    Shooting broke out after the guards surrounded a villa in the city .

  13. 卫兵进入前透过门镜检查了一下。

    The guards checked at the peephole before entering .

  14. 卫兵将哈里从车里拉了出来。

    The guards hustled Harry out of the car

  15. 那些卫兵能够应对任何事情。

    The guards were equal to anything .

  16. 卫兵把我们推搡走了,我们没有机会再多问。

    There was no opportunity to ask anything more as the guards hustled us away .

  17. 卫兵们看起来真凶。

    The guards looked really nasty

  18. 卫兵们杀掉了1,350名囚犯。

    Guards butchered 1,350 prisoners

  19. 卫兵向将军行了个漂亮的军礼。

    The guard saluted the general smartly .

  20. 我试图进入大楼时,卫兵查问了我。

    When I tried to enter the building , the guard at the door challenged me .

  21. 如果你不出示通行证,卫兵不会让你进去的。

    The guard won 't let you in if you don 't show him your pass .

  22. 从那以后,所有的村民都叫他"卫兵彼得"。

    All the villagers called him " Peter the Guard " from then on .

  23. 当然,这一切都是在荷枪实弹的卫兵监视下进行的

    Of course , the line of prisoners was guarded at all times by armed gendarmes .

  24. 这个说法广泛流行主要是因为热门单机游戏《上古卷轴5:天际》中那句被卫兵们反复说的一句话:“我以前和你一样也是个冒险家,直到我的膝盖中了一箭。”

    The term was popularized in today 's culture by Skyrim with the famous phrase " I used to be an adventurer like you , but then I took an arrow to the knee . " iterated by guards that pop up in the game .

  25. 同样,如果玩家向右走,消灭王后的卫兵boss后就会与地穴怪首领进行决战。

    Likewise if players head to the right and kill the Queen 's Guards Bosses they will fight the Kergrim King at the end .

  26. 英国皇室发布的Twitter信息还包括温莎城堡卫兵更换以及女王在白金汉宫为其他人授爵等信息。

    The monarchy 's tweets included the changing of the guard at Windsor Castle and the Queen knighting someone at Buckingham Palace .

  27. 治疗卫兵&此卫兵能够对15m内的所有士兵施加持续治疗。

    Heal Guards – this guard will be able to apply massive HOTs to any guard within a15m range .

  28. 8月31日,伦敦威灵顿军营(wellingtonbarracks)的卫兵教堂(guardschapel)将举行一个缅怀仪式,以纪念这位在巴黎死于车祸的英国王妃逝世10周年。

    On 31 August , a memorial service will be held in the Guards Chapel at Wellington Barracks , London , to mark the 10th anniversary of her death in a Paris car crash .

  29. 于是浅野拿出一把名叫“胁差”的短剑袭击了Kira,但只在Kira的脸上划了一道口子后卫兵就把他俩拉开了。

    Asano took out a small sword called a wakizashi and attacked the official , but only managed a cut on Kira 's face before guards separated them .

  30. 那个卫兵笑了:“是我们队长给您打电话,告诉您OM-45号那两个人的事的。他是塞鲁船长的哥哥。”

    The guard smiled . " My captain phoned you about the two people from OM-45 . He 's the brother of Captain Seru . "