
jiān pī
  • wedge
尖劈 [jiān pī]
  • [cut] 见劈

  1. 利用尖劈和粗糙元技术模拟大气边界层的研究

    Simulation of Atmosphere Boundary Layer by Using Wedge and Roughness Element Technique

  2. 沿薄膜的长度方向看干涉膜似尖劈。

    Along the length of the filter , the interference film looks like a wedge .

  3. SAW型阻尼吸声尖劈的研究

    Study on SAW Damping Sound - absorption Wedge

  4. 二维介质尖劈中加载金属周期网栅RCS的研究

    The Study on RCS of 2-dimensional Dielectric Wedge Loaded with Conduct periodic Grid

  5. 本文利用第二类尖劈并矢格林函数对任意夹角的V形缝隙天线进行了矩量法计算。

    The V-slot antennas with arbitrary included angles are analyzed by moment method and by using dyadic Green 's function of wedges of second kind .

  6. 利用以大功率双脉冲激光器为光源的PIV技术,测定了由扁平射流和尖劈组成的二维振荡射流流场。

    The two dimensional oscillating flowfield of jet splitter system is measured by PIV technique which use double pulsed lasers .

  7. 为了节省材料,选择了平板尖劈平行通道型吸声结构,它的总长是20cm和15cm(过渡部分分别为15cm和10cm)。

    Rib structures with parallel channel with total lengths of 20 cm and 15 cm ( transition part being 15 cm and 10 cm respectively ) have been used for the purpose of economy of the testing material .

  8. 带空腔尖劈吸声器吸声性能的研究

    A study on the absorbing performance of a wedge absorber with cavity

  9. 多锥体橡胶吸声尖劈模具的设计

    Mould Design of Multi Taper Sound Absorbing Rubber Wedge

  10. 空腔尖劈吸声性能计算及其优化设计

    Research on the sound absorption performance of cavity wedges and optimization of their design

  11. 吸声尖劈消声效果的应用

    Application on Sound Reduction Effect of Sound Absorption

  12. 激波绕尖劈障碍物运动粘性流场的数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation study of the unsteady viscous field of shock wave over a wedge

  13. 虚光线法及其在阻抗尖劈的平面波散射中的应用

    Virtual-ray method and its application in the plane wave scattering by an impedance wedge

  14. 在消声水池、大型消声室及水面舰艇上尖劈吸声结构得到广泛应用。

    Wedge is widely used in anechoic pools , large anechoic chambers and surface ships .

  15. 此外,还分析了射流喷嘴与尖劈之间的距离对流场的影响规律。

    The influence of the nozzle splitter gap on the oscillating flowfield is also analyzed .

  16. 为模拟实际流动,在后部加一尖劈形后体,并施出一尾涡面。

    A sharp wedge shape after-body and tail vortex sheets are added to simulate actual flow .

  17. 直接求解变比热斜冲波接体最大尖劈角与最小马赫数

    Direct solutions of varying specific heat attached oblique shock maximum wedge Angie and minimum approaching Mach number

  18. 提出了一种尖劈形介质加载喇叭模型。

    A model of wedge ( or V-shaped ) dielectric loaded horn is introduced in this paper .

  19. 此种尖劈的突出特点是在高压下仍保持高的吸声系数。

    The characteristics of the wedge is that the high sound-absorption coefficient remains under the high water pressure .

  20. 形状或用途似尖劈之物尖头劈楔劈挤矩形槽成形规律初步研究

    Thing shaped like or used as a wedge Preliminary Study on Forming Laws of Cuspidal Splitter Split-extruding Rectangular Slot

  21. 随后,通过改变衬底的材料,观察了折射率对尖劈微结构抗反射性能的影响。

    Afterwards , we observed the influence of refractive index to the light trapping effect by changing the substrate material .

  22. 该文采用分层媒质模型,对尖劈型吸声材料及平板型隔声材料的吸、隔声性能进行了仿真研究。

    Preparation and Research on Acoustic Charicateristics of the Sound Abosrption Material Based on Polymer Micro-Particles as Well as Computer Simulation ;

  23. 通过模拟,验证了尖劈结构内部多重反射效应的存在并解释了陷光性能的机理。

    Through simulation , we demonstrated the existence of internal reflection in the A-shape structure which explained this light trapping effect .

  24. 随着科学的发展,各类新材料广泛应用于各工业领域,形成了各种由不同材料结合而成的尖劈和接头结构。

    With the development of science , new materials have been widely applied in industries , forming bonded dissimilar materials like wedges and junctions .

  25. 另外,我们设计了一种尖劈微结构的衍化结构,这一改变有效地增强了尖劈内部的多重反射效应。

    Furthermore , we designed another microstructure on basis of the micro A-shape array which significantly improved the effect of internal reflection in the structure .

  26. 简要介绍了舰艇用新型阻尼吸声尖劈的材料配方、阻尼性能、尖劈结构、吸声性能。

    This paper deals with a new type damping sound-absorption wedge for ship and its material formulations , damping properties , wedge structure , sound-absorption .

  27. 对尖劈型吸声材料用类比变截面管道的声场理论,给出了计算其吸声系数的一种方法;

    The theoretical method for calculating the absorption coefficient of the absorber is provided by analogying the acoustic field in a tube with varying cross section .

  28. 具体研究内容如下:1.系统地研究了尖劈微结构阵列的陷光性能。

    The specific research content of this thesis is listed as below : 1 . Light trapping properties of the micro A-shape array was systematically investigated .

  29. 烧结金属纤维材料吸声性能优化研究空腔尖劈吸声性能计算及其优化设计

    On the optimization of sound absorption characteristics of porous sintered fibrous metal Research on the sound absorption performance of cavity wedges and optimization of their design

  30. 爆裂声一系列连续的轻微尖锐劈啪声空腔尖劈吸声性能计算及其优化设计

    The production of a succession of slight sharp , snapping noises . Research on the sound absorption performance of cavity wedges and optimization of their design