
  • 网络Port Arthur;Port of Arthur;Port of Port Arthur;Port Auther
  1. 1905年1月2日,日本人占领了亚瑟港(旅顺口)。

    On2nd January , 1905 , the Japanese finally captured Port Arthur .

  2. 例如,这是我在最近去塔斯马尼亚岛的亚瑟港旅游时拍摄的一幅照片

    For example , this is a photo I took on a recent trip to Port Arthur in Tasmania

  3. 康耶丝来自美国德州亚瑟港,待人素来彬彬有礼。在得知这一批评后,她大吃一惊,因为她自认为已极尽可能地对新团队礼数周到。

    Conyers , a perfectly polite woman from Port Arthur , Tex. , was taken aback by the critique because she thought she had worked tirelessly to be polite to her new team .