
  1. 研究肺磁场用的CCY-1型脉冲磁化场源

    Pulse magnetizing field supply CCY-1 for the study of lung magnetic field

  2. 肺磁场中弛豫曲线拟合的一个方法&非线性最小二乘问题的PSB算法

    A method of relaxation curve fitting in the magnetic field produced by the lung & an algorithm of the Powell symmetric Broyden update for solving the nonlinear least-square problem

  3. 研究肺磁场用的磁通门式梯度计

    A fluxgate gradiometer for the study of magnetic field in the lung

  4. 能反映尘肺病理的肺磁场弛豫参量

    The Lung 's Magnetic Relaxation Parameter Being Able to Tracing the Pneumoconiosis Pathology