
  • 网络On Architecture;Of Building
  1. 论建筑工程质量通病的综合治理

    On Comprehensive Control and Administration of Building Quality Problems

  2. 论建筑结构与建筑艺术的统一

    On the unity of building structure and art

  3. 基于PMAC的配色滴液机控制系统设计论建筑环境色彩的配色与协调

    Design of PMAC-based control system for the color matching and liquid dropping machine

  4. 论建筑围合实体与内部空间的关系及形态

    The Function of the Building Solids and its Internal Space Relation

  5. 论建筑形式的袭旧与创新

    Discussion of the Tradition and Creation of the Form of Construction

  6. 呈现与缺失&论建筑文本表达的方法与手段

    Presence and absence & On methods and means of architectural representation

  7. 论建筑工程中地下水的作用

    A discussion on the effect of ground water in Civil Engineering

  8. 论建筑的变形非扩张映射不动点定理

    On deformation of architecture theory of fixed point in inextensional mapping

  9. 论建筑评论的信息传播属性及其特征

    The Attribute of Information Dissemination and the Characteristic of Architectural Commentary

  10. 论建筑工程质量管理工作的监督重点和监督方式

    Key point and way of the supervision on the construction quality

  11. 论建筑工程中结构与功能的辩证关系

    Discuss the dialectical relation of structure and function in building engineering

  12. 地表变形区框架结构的抗变形性能分析论建筑的变形

    Analyses of the anti - deformation function of frame construction

  13. 论建筑市场阴阳合同的法律规制

    Legal Regulation on Formal and Substantial Contracts in Construction Market

  14. 论建筑科技英语指导工程实践

    On the Guiding Role of Architectural English in Engineering Practice

  15. 论建筑工程的风险成因与防范策略

    On the Cause of Risks to Architecture Projects and Their Prevention Measures

  16. 论建筑工程钢筋混凝土构件裂缝的预控、判定及修补

    Cracking prevention , estimation and reparation in reinforced concrete buildings

  17. 人类生存意识的外延&论建筑、雕塑与环境

    Extension of Mankind 's Survival Consciousness-Discussion on Architecture , Sculpture and Environment

  18. 论建筑事故经济损失的分担

    Discussion on the Share of Pecuniary Loss in Construction Accident

  19. 论建筑系专业资料室的设置与管理

    The Setting up and Management of Special Reference Room in Architectural Department

  20. 论建筑施工企业在项目实施过程中的成本控制

    On cost control of architectural construction enterprises in engineering process

  21. 论建筑工程质量检测与见证取样

    Discussion on quality checking and witness sampling of construction project

  22. 论建筑艺术中线条韵律与环境的关系

    The Relation of Line 's Rhythm and Environment in Architecture

  23. 论建筑的变形新老路基不协调变形模拟试验研究

    Experimental Research on Incoordinate Deformation Between Existing Subgrade and the Widening One

  24. 论建筑及环境艺术的设计表达

    On the Design Expression of Architectural and Environmental Arts

  25. 论建筑工程的施工预算结算审查

    Study on Examination of Budget and Final Cost of The Building Engineering Construction

  26. 论建筑审美与艺术的共通性

    Aesthetic Appreciation of Architecture and Arts ' Inner Relations

  27. 论建筑管理法的对象和特征

    On the object and Characteristics of Construction Administrative Law

  28. 简论建筑施工企业投标动画制作

    Discussion on Making Bid Animation in Building Construction Enterprise

  29. 略论建筑企业项目经理的激励约束机制

    Discussion on the Encouraging and Restraining System to Managers of the Constructing Enterprise

  30. 论建筑装饰工程预算和报价

    On budget and bidding of the architecture decoration project