
  • 网络Then She Found Me
  1. 她找我来拿手机。

    She asks me to take the handset .

  2. 她找我复诊的时候。

    When she came back to see me .

  3. 我情愿她找我算账。

    I hope that 's the case .

  4. 告诉我妈妈如果她找我我在庄园

    Just tell my mother I 'll be at the manor if she needs me .

  5. 所以请告诉你的曾曾孙女,叫她找我,因为爱莉安,亲爱的……我绝对会想认识她

    So you tell your great-great-granddaughter to look me up , because Adrienne , baby , I 'm gonna want to meet her .

  6. 这件事发生没多久,一位同事成了我的救星,她找我去吃午餐,并给了我一本书阅读,这是一本有关了解情绪的书。

    Not long after the incident , a colleague of mine came to my rescue . She took me for lunch and gave me a book to read .

  7. 如果漫长的一天结束时,她找我抱怨,我就告诉她:“我爱你,但我只能听三分钟,然后,我得走了。”我不是冷酷。

    If she calls me to rant at the end of a long day , I 'll say to her , " I love you , but I can listen for only three minutes and then I have to go . " I 'm not cruel .

  8. 她来找我的时候,给我看了艺术家名单,国际的像马修·巴尼(MatthewBarney),那个时候都是国际上最火的那帮人,美国的,欧洲的,全部都有。

    When she came to me , she showed me a list of artist , all of which were the most popular ones , including international ones come from American and European , such as Matthew Barney .

  9. 我要你知道是她找上我的。

    She came to me , I want you to know .

  10. 她经常找我谈心,博古论今,畅谈人生。

    She often talks with me about the history and life .

  11. 约好她来找我。

    Approximately good she looks for me .

  12. 是的,也难怪她会找我这只狐狸帮忙。

    Yeah , it 's no wonder she needed to get help from a fox .

  13. 她来找我了路易莎

    She 's come for me Louisa !

  14. 她老是找我的岔儿。

    She kept pecking at me .

  15. 她再找我的时候,我已经跑去和我朋友享用免费的饮料。

    When she turned around again , I was gone and had rejoined my friends who were consuming the free alcohol .

  16. 课后她主动找我进行了多次交流,向我咨询旅游业及酒店业的相关问题。

    She actively communicated with me for several times after class , asking me questions about the tourism industry and the hotel industry .

  17. 她来找我的动力是希望我信任她,把那小妹妹的名字和地点告诉她。

    Her inducement to come to me , relying on my confidence , had been the hope that I could tell her the name and place of abode .

  18. 几个月后她来找我,我才明白她不仅只是假装到她成功为止,

    She comes back to me months later , and I realized that she had not just faked it till she made it , she had actually faked it till she became it .

  19. 几个月后她来找我,我才明白,她不仅只是假装到她成功为止,她已经融会贯通了,整个人脱胎换骨。

    She comes back to me months later , and I realized that she had not just faked it till she made it , she had actually faked it till she became it . So she had changed .

  20. 自从你母亲到这儿来住,她就一直找我的麻烦,告诉我该怎样做事,说一些刺耳的话。

    Even since she came to stay , your mother has been getting on my back , telling me how to do things and making unkind remarks .

  21. 我变成吸血鬼后她来找过我我猜是出于对血缘的好奇

    She found me after I turned.Genetic curiosity , I suppose .

  22. 她先找上我的。她是我最好的朋友。

    She found me . she 's my best friend .

  23. 不久她便开始找我的岔子了。

    Soon she began to find fault with me .

  24. 这是慈悲天使手她终于来找我了

    It 's the Hand Angel of Mercy . She 's finally come for me .

  25. 她来是找我,找我这位国王,而不是找你这位大主教,你再道貌岸然也没用。

    And she is coming to me : to me , the king , and not to you , Archbishop , holy as you are .

  26. 她老是好像要找我吵架似的。

    She 's always tries to start arguments with me .

  27. 她再也不会找我帮忙了

    She 's never gonna reach out to me again .

  28. 你为什么跑去找她而不来找我?

    Why would you go runningto her instead of me ?

  29. 她到这儿来找我谈话。

    She came here to talk to me .

  30. 她就找时间给我补习单词和口语。

    Then she would find spare time to help my words and spoken English .