
  1. 早在8月,他就开展了一系列公开测试,来证明他的末日逃生装置可以应付世界末日的灾难。

    Back in August , he announced a series of public tests which would prove his Armageddon-proof survival pod was ready for the end of the world .

  2. 唯一的出路只有你设法参与(或至少无意间听到)到一场讨论如何在世界末日逃生的谈话。

    Chances are , you 've been part of ( or at least overheard ) a conversation about what you 'd require to get you through the apocalypse .

  3. 上海《了望东方》周刊近期报道说,杨宗福的末日逃生装置迄今已经接受到了十几个订单。装置将根据顾客要求制造,并且还可以进行个性化的舱内设计。

    Oriental Outlook , a Shanghai-based magazine , recently reported Yang Zongfu has so far received 21 orders for his doomsday ark , which is built in accordance with customer requests and has its own custom interior design .