
  • 网络Carriers;QMV;Doomsday virus;MyDoom
  1. 当艰难行走在逼真的末日后病毒蔓延的伦敦街头时,我不得不寄希望于触摸屏。

    As I anxiously stumbled my way through a convincing , post-apocalyptic , virus-infested version of London , I was forced to look at that second screen .

  2. 英国的顶尖科学家斯蒂芬·霍金警告我们:除非开始向宇宙空间殖民,否则不出这个千年人类就会被某种“世界末日”病毒灭种。

    The human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before this millennium is out unless it starts to colonize space , top British scientist Stephen Hawking warned .