
  • 网络Blind Date;Blind Dating
  1. 他昨天晚上的盲目约会进行得实在很好。

    The blind date he had last night went really well .

  2. 亚瑟正在跟朋友克里斯讲他的盲目约会经过。

    Arthur is telling his friend , Chris , about his blind date .

  3. 我跟我室友的妹妹要做一次盲目约会。

    I 've got a blind date with my roommate 's younger sister .

  4. 他这么粗鲁无理,当我知道他是我盲目约会的对象时,我真是吓死了。

    He is so gross , I was totally mortified when I realize he was my blind .

  5. 张说,招聘和毕业生的关系就像是一对盲目约会的恋人。

    It 's just like a ' blind-date ' between the employers and the graduates , noted Zhang .

  6. 到了1980年代,每部电视节目的内容都是描写住在纽约市的离婚犹太人,并和汤姆谢立克(知名演员,蓄胡)进行盲目约会。

    By 1980 , every show on television was about a divorced Jew who lives in New York City and goes on a blind date with Tom Selleck .

  7. 哦,这下可好了,汤姆,我差点被吓死了,我以为那是只野狗呐。他这么粗鲁无理,当我知道他是我盲目约会的对象时,我真是吓死了。

    " Oh , that 's good & I tell you , Tom , I was most scared to death ; I 'd a bet anything it was a stray dog . " He is so gross , I was totally mortified when I realize he was my blind .