
mánɡ liú
  • migrant;blind influx;drifter;unchecked flow of population ;person who has drifted from one place to another
盲流 [máng liú]
  • [blind flow] 从农村中盲目流入城市的人

  1. 你父亲因我是盲流而将我关进牢房。

    Your father had me jailed for a vagrant .

  2. 调查发现:郑州市农民工平均每人1年获得的净收益为872.1元,成本收益率为15.6%,说明外出就业总体上有利可图。这同时也验证了农民绝非盲流,而是理性人;

    The research indicates that a migrant in Zhengzhou can gain 872.1 RMB of net income on average per year , with cost-gain rate being 15.6 percent .

  3. 从“盲流”到“民工”再到“农民工”,进城务工的农民兄弟其称谓,经历了一个渐进的升级过程。

    From the " blind " to " workers " and " migrant workers ", the peasant migrant brothers and their titles , has undergone a gradual upgrade process .

  4. 恰恰是这种盲流性质&流动、没有归属、焦虑、压抑、自我激励、自我奋斗磨练了他们的艺术嗅觉和大胆实验。

    The very " blind influx " nature of artists – migrating , unattached , anxious , depressed , self-motivated and self-struggling-cultivated their sensitivity on art and boldness of experiment .

  5. 在《盲流梦》(2005年)中,王庆松的面孔隐藏在照相机后,单是当地演员富庶的穿着却表现了他眼中中国千百万盲流们苦不堪言的生活。

    In Dream of Migrant ( 2005 ), Wang Qingsong 's face is hidden behind the camera , but the rich array of local actors present his vision of the ramshackle life of China 's millions of migrants .

  6. 但是大部分时间,纹身都受到歧视,被看作与罪犯、盲流以及黑社会有关。由于名人以及体育明星的影响,过去十年间,纹身越来越能被社会认可。

    But for most of that history they were stigmatized , associated with prisoners , vagrants and the criminal underworld.Thanks in part to the influence of celebrities and sports stars , tattoos have become much more socially accepted in the past decade .