
  1. 张艺谋执导的庆典将伴随沿长安街(北京主要大道)的阅兵式举行。

    Mr Zhang will direct the celebrations that will accompany a military parade along Chang'an Jie - the Avenue of Everlasting Peace - Beijing 's main thoroughfare .

  2. 该公园及其相邻的北京环球城市大道,共有37个游乐设施和景点、24场演出和表演、80家餐厅和30家零售店。自9月1日以来,北京环球影城主题乐园一直在进行试运营,邀请了有人数限制的游客,

    There are a total of 37 rides and attractions , 24 shows and performances , 80 restaurants and 30 retail stores throughout the park and its adjacent Universal CityWalk Beijing . Since Sept. 1 , the park has been undergoing trial operations with a limited number of invited guests ,