
  1. 姐妹们是善良的我们生活在美丽之中

    The sisters were kind , and we lived amongst beauty .

  2. 对她仁慈善良的品德,我们将永远铭记在心。

    I shall always remember her kindness and cleverness .

  3. 主导性观点是人性天生是善良的,因为我们的失误而遭到破坏。

    The dominant view is that human nature is innately good , but corrupted due to our failings .

  4. “哎呀,老天爷,善良的天使看我们来了!”那个可怜的女人欢喜得叫起来。

    " Ach , mein Gott ! It is good angels come to us !" said the poor woman , crying for joy .

  5. 什么是优秀的小国,是的,我用完了最高级来形容我们所看到的和善良的人民,我们遇到的问题。

    What a superb little country and yes , I am running out of superlatives to describe what we see and the kindness of people we encounter .

  6. 作为舒开创的父母、作为舒开创的父母的朋友们、作为所有善良的人们,我们期盼、我们相信你们会和我们一起共同期盼,期盼他的愿望早日实现。

    As Kaichuang Shu 's parents , we certainly believe that all our friends along with all people with kindness will expect that his dream would come true soon .

  7. 但是那些我们在回程路上认出来了的善良的人们引导我们到了正确的汽车上,防止了我们迷路。

    But kind people whose faces we would later recognise on the return journey ushered us through to the right bus , keen to prevent us from losing our way .

  8. 童话中天真善良的白雪公主告诉我们:友好真诚地对待别人,定将得到好的回报!

    The innocent and kind-hearted White Snow tells us if we treat others sincerely and kindly , then we will be well treated .

  9. 我爱所有熟悉和陌生的人,无论相识还是不相识,因为那些善良的人们给了我们一份善意。

    I love all the familiar and unfamiliar , whether or not , because met those kind of people gave us a goodwill .

  10. 党外有这种不良风气的人,只要他们是善良的,就会跟我们学,改正他们的错误,这样就会影响全民族。

    Those outside the party who have the same kind of bad style will , if they are good and honest people , learn from our example and correct their mistakes , and thus the whole nation will be influenced .

  11. 我们愈步向善良,愈接近善良的品质,我们就会愈提升至这种天堂的品质,就愈接近天堂。

    And the more we step into goodness , the nearer the goodness , the more we merge into this heavenly quality and the more we are near to heaven .