
  • 网络skillful means;Convenient
  1. 你看着照片或者佛像,然后把自己观想成那个样子,所有这些都只是善巧方便而已。

    You look at a picture or a statue , and think that you are just like this , all those are skillful means .

  2. 它们分别代表白菩提,渡生的善巧方便,以及红菩提,生起方便的智慧。

    They represent respectively the white bodhi , skillful means to help sentient beings , and the red bodhi , wisdom to yield skillful means .

  3. 我们就是不知道如何唤醒心性,我们的心是如此狂野及散乱,因此我们需要善巧方便、方法来唤醒我们的心性。

    We simply do not know how to awaken it , and our minds are so wild and so distracted that we need a skilful means , a method to evoke it .

  4. 不管怎么样,类似的行为例如供花,都是一种善巧方便,是为了让我们认识到无自性,这就是智慧的所在。

    One way or another , this kind of act such as making a flower offering which 's skillful means , contribute to understand the non-existing of self , that 's which the wisdom .