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  1. 他那高高的身体惊跳一下,又直了起来。

    His tall figure sprang erect again with a start .

  2. 当我们看到那高高的群山时,感到异常兴奋激动。

    We thrilled when we saw the high mountains .

  3. 比那高高的梧桐树还让我着迷。

    Lovelier to see than tall plane trees .

  4. 跟着涌来的浪头又把这些物品举到了那高高的浪峰上。

    The next wave would lift those objects up to its steep concave slope .

  5. 他紧紧贴住她那高高的颊骨。

    He touched her high cheekbones .

  6. 我和弟弟俩可高兴坏了,我们在那高高的,摇摇晃晃的楼梯上跑来跑去。

    My brother and I had great fun running up and down the tall , shaky steps .

  7. 埃德加·伊普·哈伯格在那高高的天上彩虹挂起的地方摇篮曲中我曾听说有个神仙之乡

    Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There 's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby

  8. 但每间卧室里都有一个衣柜,上面还有一大片空间可以存放东西,这多亏了那高高的天花板。

    But each bedroom had a closet , and there was plenty of overhead storage , thanks to the high ceilings .

  9. 在那高高的山岗上;当新月低语于阴影,树枝伸展它们的末梢,猫头鹰悄悄地停驻。

    upon the hill , when crescent whispers to shadows , trees stretch each tip , and owls halt on the branches .

  10. 我们特别喜欢房子里那高高的天花板,宽敞的房间,很多的壁橱和储藏室。

    One of the things we love the most about our house are the high ceilings , large rooms and lots of closet and storage space .

  11. 在那高高的枝桠上,我们相对而坐,没穿鞋子的脚丫晃来荡去,裤兜里满是桑椹干和胡桃。

    We would sit across from each other on a pair of high branches , our naked feet dangling , our trouser pockets filled with dried mulberries and walnuts .

  12. 他站着的时候,要用枪支撑着身体。可是,他那高高的身材、魁伟的体格,可以看出他当初是一个十分健壮的人。

    As he stood , he leaned upon his weapon for support , and yet his tall figure and the massive framework of his bones suggested a wiry and vigorous constitution .

  13. 只有那高高隆起的秦陵墓冢,如同一位饱经沧桑的历史见证人,向后人诉说着王朝盛衰交替的春秋。

    What is left is the main mausoleum itself , much like a historical witness who has been through much difficulty to tell the future generations of the rise and fall of empires .

  14. 这些天我习惯疲倦地栖坐在我们所干活的地方那高高的废墟里的石头上,带着麻木的神精去守望呈现在眼前的一切。

    In these days I had used to perch on a stone in collapsed building at where we worked at the school , keeping on watching everything unfolded in front of my eyes with an insensitive nervous system .

  15. 眼前绿树挺拔,层层叠叠,还有那高高的树篱和曲径通幽的小路,仿佛置身于陶公所描绘的田园生活中。

    Seen on the balcony , a mass of flourishing foliage came to my eyes , and the tall hedges and the narrow footpath seemed to dispose me in the idyllic life depicted by the famous poet Tao Yuanming .

  16. 我和弟弟俩可高兴坏了,我们在那高高的,摇摇晃晃的楼梯上跑来跑去。费伯跑进门厅上了楼,大卫紧随其后把轮椅摇到楼梯口。

    My brother and I had great fun running up and down the tall , shaky steps . Faber ran into the hall and up the stairs . David followed , stopping his wheelchair at the foot of the staircase .

  17. 那两根高高的桅杆象是疾风地带的印第安棕榈一样弯弯斜斜。

    the two tall masts buckling like Indian canes in land tornadoes .

  18. 那楼高高耸立。

    That building is stopping up .

  19. 如果你从我的肩膀这里这里看去,那座高高的向你屏幕右侧倾斜的建筑就是美国大使馆。

    If you look over my shoulder here , that tall sloping building to the right of your screen is the US embassy .

  20. 几个小时过去了,它又爬到那根高高的树杈上,走到尽头,转身,伸展四肢,跳了出去。

    Hours later , he again reached the very high branch , walked along , turned , spread his flippers and launched himself off the branch .

  21. 只是简单的为你那堆积得高高的盘子拍张照,也许就会让你打消再吃块奶酪或油煎面包块的念头。

    A simple snapshot of your heaping dish may show your extra helping of cheese or deep-fried croutons .

  22. 看见那家伙从高高的树上摔下来,我吓得不知所措。

    I was scared out of my wits when I watched the guy falling off the tall tree .

  23. 不要怕惊涛骇浪,硬着头皮顶那条船迎着高高的顶头浪行驶。

    The ship steamed into steep head seas .

  24. 那贼爬上高高的围墙,一翻过去就不见了。

    The thief scrambled up the high fence and disappeared over it in an instant .

  25. 她知道自己已经接近岸边了,因为那灯光是在高高的峭壁上。

    She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs .

  26. 最近,我有一个朋友辞去了那份工资高要求高的工作。

    One friend of mind has decided to quit his highly-paid but demanding position his company recently .

  27. 那是一匹高高的棕色母马。她看上去不太高兴。这么说就是你把我从我的栏里赶出来的了,她说。

    It was a tall brown mare , and she did not look pleased.So it 's you who has turned me out of my bx , 'she said .

  28. 有一次我们玩得都很尽兴,那是一块高高的荒地,我们在里面捉迷藏,玩游戏,不知不觉天慢慢黑了,于是就打道回府了,心里还有点恋恋不舍的样子。

    Once we enjoyed hide-and-seek and games in a high wasteland , and the sky turned to dark slowly and slowly , so we had to back home , although we felt some reluctant .

  29. 再看那椰叶,在那高高的椰树梢上,如同开屏的孔雀、含情的少女,亭亭玉立,向游人发出永远的邀请!

    And the leafs , wavering on the treetop , like a peacock spreading its tail or a fair girl to invite visitors coming hers .

  30. 那孩子马上就一溜烟逃跑了,他爬上那高高的木板围墙,一翻过去就不见了。

    The lad fled , on the instant scrambled up the high board fence and disappeared over it .