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  1. 用经典的索氏提取法对华山松籽仁含油量进行测定,结果表明:华山松籽含油率为56.5%。

    The results showed that the oil contents of the seed kernel of Pinus armandi was 56.5 % .

  2. 蒽酮-硫酸比色法测定九华山地区黄精中多糖含量蒽酮-硫酸法测定海藻糖含量显色条件的改进

    Determination of Polysaccharides in Polygonatum Sibiricum from Jiuhuashan Area by of Anthrone-Sulfuric Acid Colorimetry Improvement of chromogenic conditions on trehalose determination by anthrone-sulphuric acid method

  3. 运用专家评分法对安徽九华山旅游集团公司核心利益相关者进行实证研究,结果表明:员工、居民/经营户、游客、僧尼和九华山风景区管理委员会为该公司的核心利益相关者。

    The empirical study of Anhui Jiuhua Mountain Tourist Co. , by expert grading method , shows that the staff , the residents / business owners , the tourists , the monks and nuns and the Jiuhua Mountain Scenic Area Management Committee is the company 's core stakeholders .