
hǎi dào chuán
  • pirate;pirate ship;sea rover
  1. 她后来去了海口,仍然穿着男性衣服,被抓获的海盗船指挥卡利科杰克Rackam。

    She later went to sea , still dressed in male clothes , and was captured by a pirate ship commanded by Calico Jack Rackam .

  2. 炮弹正好击中海盗船的桅杆。

    The shot struck the pirate ship bang on the mast .

  3. 这艘很有视觉冲击力啊,象艘海盗船。

    This has very strong visual impact , like a corsair .

  4. 你知道海盗船吗?

    Do you know what a half moon ride is ?

  5. 我们在一艘仿制海盗船里吃饭。

    We 're having dinner on a replica pirate ship .

  6. 过去海盗船飘骷髅旗。

    Pirate ships used to fly the skull and crossbones .

  7. 拿着这地图,乘我的最快的海盗船找到它。

    Take this map and my fastest pirate ship and find it .

  8. 一艘重新建造的海盗船周二驶入都柏林。

    A reconstructed Viking ship pulled into Dublin on Tuesday .

  9. 速度快的海盗船(经常有官方认可的才可以操作)。

    A swift pirate ship ( often operating with official sanction ) .

  10. 我们还乘坐了海盗船。

    We also got to ride on a pirate ship .

  11. 不。让我们继续海盗船探险吧。

    No. Let 's continue on our pirate ship adventure .

  12. 我可以试试把海盗船弄回来。

    I can try to bring up the pirate ship .

  13. 《连线》再也不是海盗船了,他告诉员工称。

    Wired is no longer a pirate ship , he told staff .

  14. 事实上,这艘海盗船残骸曾经在1938年被发现过。

    In fact , once set off Corsair wreckage was found in1938 off .

  15. 我的海盗船行驶在昏黑的荒漠公路上。

    My Black Pearl on a dark desert highway .

  16. 成群结队的海盗船还在较小的岛屿附近游荡。

    Squadrons of pirates hung around the smaller islands .

  17. 这艘看起来像是海盗船。

    Another boat that looked like a pirate ship .

  18. 600艘海盗船袭击汉堡,汉堡惨遭焚烧。

    Six hundred Viking boats attacked hamburg , which was set on fire .

  19. 西印度群岛的海盗船武装有大量军火。

    The pirate ships in the West Indies were armed with heavy ordnance .

  20. 海岸炮兵向海盗船开火。

    The shore batteries fired at the pirate boat .

  21. 哦,我在海盗船上。

    Oh and I 'm on a pirate ship .

  22. 我要去坐海盗船,你要不要一起来?

    I am going to the Pirate Ship , do you want to come ?

  23. 发现巨大的海盗船向它逼近时,那艘小船奋力逃遁。

    The little ship tried to escape when the big pirate ship bore down .

  24. 海盗船大战,加上肌肉猛男。

    A ships sinks , and there 's all these scantily clad sailors around .

  25. 可以获取一艘海盗船。

    You can acquire a pirate ship !

  26. 这天,又来了两艘海盗船,水手们又害怕起来。

    This day , came again two corsair , jack-tar people fear to rise again .

  27. 我希望它别离我们的海盗船太近。

    Oh , I hope it doesn 't get too close to our pirate ship .

  28. 有白色骷髅图和交叉腿骨图形黑色的旗;表明是一艘海盗船。

    A black flag bearing a white skull and crossbones ; indicates a pirate ship .

  29. 海盗船强行靠近快艇。

    The pirate ship boarded the clipper .

  30. 这只船正是所谓的海盗船。

    It was called The Buccaneer Ship .