
  1. 用XRD,SEM,XPS及拉曼和红外吸收光谱对薄膜的结构、成分和化学键等进行了研究。

    The structure , composition and chemical bonding state of the obtained films are investigated using XRD , SEM , XPS , Raman spectra and FTIR .

  2. FT-IR分析结果表明,重质油是含有羟基、甲氧基、羰基、醚键等多种含氧官能团的芳烃或酚类化合物。

    Heavy oil was mainly the degradation of lignin in biomass and comprised aromatic or phenolic compounds containing hydroxyl , carbonyl , ether and other oxygen-containing functional groups .

  3. 利用磁控溅射法置备了含氟高分子涂层,XPS分析表明,由于氟的引入,该涂层的表面张力接近于聚四氟乙烯,但由于引入不饱和键等交联组分,其分子结构明显不同后者。

    Fluorocarbon Polymer coating was prepared by RF sputtering . XPS analysis has shown that the surface tension of the coating is close to that PTEE possesses but its molecule structure is different due to fluorine introduced ;

  4. 结果表明:纯化后的HA是分子质量较小的部分,水溶性较高,具有羟基、羧基和碳氧键等极性基团;

    The results showed that the humic acid was the lighter part of the whole molecule and had high aqueous solubility after purified . The binding sites of HA and heavy metal ions located in the carboxyl and hydroxyl of HA .

  5. XUL能够创建多种元素,比如输入控件、工具栏、菜单、树状图、键盘快捷键等。

    XUL has the ability to create elements such as input controls , toolbars , menus , trees , keyboard shortcuts , and so on .

  6. 本文介绍三峡水轮发电机磁极与传统结构磁极的不同点,并重点介绍ALSTOM公司在三峡发电机中采用的无磁极压板结构的磁极、齿形磁极键等新结构的设计特点及其优点。

    This paper introduces the main design differences between the poles of Three Gorges Generator and the traditional one and as well the structures and the merits of the pole without press plate , chain wedge etc which are the new structures used in Three Gorges Generator by ALSTOM Power Ltd.

  7. 结果表明,膜层中包含B-C、N-C、B-N键等复合结构,以B-C-N原子杂化的形式结合成键,而并非各种成分的简单混合。

    It is found that the synthesized films contain several bonding structures including B-C , N-C , B-N with B-C-N atomic hybridization rather than a simple mixture . The processes involved in and mechanisms responsible for the film preparation were also discussed .

  8. 其晶体结构表明质子化的手性胺通过形成氢键和离子键等形式构建成稳定的网状超分子结构。

    X-ray diffraction analysis result confirmed their netlike supramolecular structures formed through the hydrogen bonding and the electrostatic attraction .

  9. 二硫键等基团间的相互作用为蛋白质产生并维持高级结构和功能提供基础。

    Disulfide bonds and other interactions between residues provide a basis for protein to maintain the correct structure and function .

  10. 根据设计需求,设计出了变向器装置,并合理地选择了轴承、键等配套零部件。

    Based on the requirements of design , my aim is to select some parts just like axle-bearing , bond reasonably , and deign the apartment of transformer .

  11. 结果表明,氯代有机物中氯取代基数目、位置、碳链甲基(&CH3)、不饱和碳键等,都能对氯代物脱氯速率产生重要影响。

    Results show that the number of chlorine substituents and position , the methyl on carbochain ( & CH3 ), unsaturated carbon bond etc are all the factors affecting dechlorination rate of chlorinated hydrocarbons .

  12. 开发的新型管道封堵器由中心管、气囊、活塞、弹簧、夹板、护板、内接头、外接头、连接板和楔键等组成。

    A newly developed pipeline plug is composed of a central pipe , balloon , piston , spring , clamp , backplate , inside and outside joints , connecting plate and a wedge key .

  13. 环氧树脂结构中含有独特的环氧基,以及极性羟基、醚键等活性基团,因而具有许多优异的性能,广泛应用于机械、电子、航空航天、涂料等领域。

    Epoxy compounds containing a unique epoxy group , polar hydroxyl and ether active groups , which has many excellent properties , It is widely used in different fields ( machinery , electronics , aeronautics , coating ) .

  14. 结果表明,采用容易与玻璃纤维表面形成化学键等牢固结合并与基体树脂有一定相容性的橡胶分子链作为界面柔性层,可以获得高强度、高抗冲的玻璃纤维毡增强聚丙烯复合材料;

    The results show that the composites having high strength and impact resistance can be obtained when the rubber chain that is easy to form chemical bonding with fiber surface and compatible with matrix resin is used as flexible interlayer .

  15. 蛋白质是一种非周期性的聚合物,分子内部通过各种非共价和共价作用力,如静电、疏水作用、氢键、范德华力、二硫键等维持其天然态结构。

    Protein is a kind of non-periodical polymer . Noncovalent bond interactions , featured by hydrogen-bonding , electrostatic , hydrophobic , and van der Waals interactions that exist inside and outside protein , are very important for the native structure of protein .

  16. 蛋白质是生命的物质基础,它是一种非周期性的聚合物,分子内通过静电、疏水相互作用以及氢键、范德华力、二硫键等维持天然结构,保持生理活性。

    Protein is the basis of life , which is a kind of non-periodical polymer . The interactions inside and outside protein such as hydrogen bonding , van der Waals force , disulfide bonds , electrostatic and hydrophobic interactions are very important to maintain the native structure and physiological activity .

  17. 通过ICP、溅射和键合等工艺实现了该结构的MEMS离子源。

    The MEMS ion source is achieved by ICP , sputtering and bonding technology , etc.

  18. 对纯化步骤作了产率和纯度分析后,又就重组蛋白的分子量、N端序列、等电点、肽质量指纹图谱及二硫键位置等理化性质做了进一步鉴定。

    After that , we identified the molecular weight , the N-terminal sequencing , isoelectric point , disulfide bonds , and other physical and chemical properties of the recombinant protein .

  19. 系统介绍了芯片实验室的各种制备技术,这些技术包括紫外光刻、软刻蚀、LIGA技术、DEM技术、键合等。

    Some polymer materials are used as substrate . Kinds of new microfabrication technology are presented , including lithography , soft etching , LIGA , DEM and bonding , etc.

  20. 实验结果表明,HG能显著改进含高阻湿键合剂等丁羟预聚体配方的工艺性能,而又保持优良的固化特性和力学性能。

    The experimental results show that HG can obviously improve the process property of HTPB compositions containing high level of humidity-resisting bonding agent ( HRBA ), while keeping good curing and mechanical characteristics of the compositions .

  21. 在参考当前生化分析仪界面和当前界面设计发展趋势的基础上,UI界面模块大量采用表格、键图等形式,使用户操作更加直观、简单。

    With referring to the user interfaces of other automated biomedical analyzers and the developing trend of user interface design , the user interface module widely adopted tables and key maps etc , thus users can manipulate it more directly and easily .

  22. 此外,利用晶体结构分析所得分子中各原子的坐标,以半经验分子轨道法CNDO/2程序计算了分子总能量、净电荷分布以及Wiberg键级等,并以此讨论了分子的反应活性中心。

    Net charge on each atom and wiberg population have been calculated by CNDO / 2 method . In addition , the relationship between the molecular structure and the reactive sites has been discussed .

  23. 针对10MW高温气冷堆(HTR-10)控制棒传动机构可能出现的事故隐患&链条断裂、联轴器键损坏等现象,建立了其传动机构的理论分析模型,进行了能量分析。

    This paper presents a theoretical model for the control rod drive mechanism for the 10MW High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor ( HTR 10 ) and analyzes accidents which may occur in the drive mechanism , for example , chain break , coupling damage and other damage scenarios .

  24. 从晶体结构、电子结构及化学键结构等各方面对市场上广泛应用的AB5型贮氢合金的结构进行综述,同时讨论合金结构与合金吸放氢性能之间的关系。

    We review the crystal structure , the electronic structure and chemical bond of AB_5 type hydrogen storage alloys and discuss the relationship between the structure and the electrochemical characteristics of hydrogen storage alloys .

  25. 概述了常压下分子晶体的晶体结构、晶格能、电子键结构等晶体性质。

    The crystal structures , lattice energies and electronic band structures at ambient condition are summarized .

  26. 然后按照芯片装配图使用粘结和键合等工艺进行芯片组装。

    Then it uses adhesive and bonding process to assembling the chips according to chip assembly drawing .

  27. 目前已被广泛用来计算原子和分子的极化率、磁化率、总能量、键能等。

    Now , it has been applied to calculating atomic and molecular polarization rate , susceptibility , total energy , bond energy etc.

  28. 对已明确降糖成分的天然产物,根据不同化学结构,分皂甙、萜、多糖、黄酮、生物碱及硫键化合物等六大类进行阐述。

    The hypoglycemic constituents in natural products are classified as saponins , terpenes , polysaccharides , flavonoids , alkaloids and S-bond componds .

  29. 对新药物分子进行了理论上的活性预测,并且通过计算新药物的键能等化学性质说明了新药物的稳定性等。

    We predicted the theoretical activity of new drugs , and calculated some chemical properties which could explain the stability of the new drugs .

  30. 为方便与国际交流,许多科技期刊都要求论文的题名、要、键词等翻译成英文。

    Most sci - tech magazines demand that title , abstract and key words of paper are translated into English for int erna-tional exchange .