
  • 网络flat spade;Flat shovel
  1. 杭州地区用扁铲侧胀试验求解静止侧压力系数K0的研究

    Solution to lateral earth pressure coefficient at rest by flat dilatometer tests in Hangzhou

  2. 上海地区利用扁铲侧胀试验的材料指数ID划分土类的研究

    Study on soil classification with material index ID by flat dilatometer test in Shanghai

  3. 南京地区粉砂扁铲侧胀试验(DMT)的应用

    Application of Flat Dilatometer Test ( DMT ) to Silty Sand in Nanjing Area

  4. 扁铲侧胀试验(DMT)在强夯效果检验中的应用

    Application of the Flat Dilatometer Test ( DMT ) in Effect Test of Dynamic Compaction

  5. Marchetti提出了运用扁铲侧胀试验计算砂和一般土的沉降公式。

    A settlement calculation formula of sand and common soil was given by Matchetti ;

  6. 利用处理后的扁铲侧胀试验数据,借鉴Marchetti公式,预测工后沉降。

    And DMT data and Marchetti formula can be used to predict settlement after construction .

  7. 由于扁铲侧胀试验(DMT)在国内应用时间不长,如何合理地解释和应用DMT试验成果尚待进一步探讨。

    It is not very long since the flat dilatometer test ( DMT ) has been used in China , so it needs to be explored how to explain and apply the results of DMT rationally .

  8. 用扁铲侧胀试验计算软基处理工后沉降

    Soft ground settlement after construction prediction with flat dilatometer test

  9. 扁铲侧胀仪在轨道交通工程中的应用研究

    Application of Flat Dilatometer Test ( DMT ) in Mass Rail Transit

  10. 苏通大桥岩土特性的扁铲侧胀试验研究

    An in-situ test study of soil properties using DMT for Suzhou-Nantong Bridge

  11. 扁铲侧胀试验在砂土液化判别中的应用研究

    Application of Flat Dilatometer Test in the Sand Liquefaction Estimation

  12. 基于扁铲侧胀试验的桩基水平承载力分析

    Analysis on lateral bearing capacity of pile based on DMT

  13. 扁铲侧胀试验计算地基变形及原型试验研究

    A study of soil displacement based on DMT and its prototype testing

  14. 扁铲侧胀试验在地基处理效果评价中的应用

    Application of flat dilatometer test in evaluation of soft soil foundation improvement

  15. 扁铲侧胀试验用于液化判别的探讨

    Discussion on Dilatometer Test Used for Liquefaction Estimation

  16. 扁铲侧胀试验在浅海钙质土力学特性评价中的应用

    Application of flat dilatometer test to mechanical characteristics evaluation of calcareous soil in shallow water

  17. 上海地区扁铲侧胀试验与其他原位试验结果的相关性分析

    Study on correlation of results between flat dilatometer test and other in-situ tests in Shanghai

  18. 扁铲侧胀仪试验及其应用

    Flat dilatometer test and its application

  19. 扁铲侧胀试验与静力触探试验的成果对比分析

    Analysis of the Test Results

  20. 扁铲侧胀试验机理有限元分析及其在地基处理效果检验中的应用

    The Finite Element Analysis of the Mechanism of DMT and the Application of DMT on Compaction Control

  21. 扁铲侧胀原位测试的应用与探讨

    Application and discussion of DMT

  22. 扁铲侧胀试验求解侧向基床反力系数的应用拉铲挖掘机与反铲挖掘机

    The application of flat chisel lateral dilation test in resolving side bedding counterforce coefficient draglines and Backhoes

  23. 然后以苏州南通(苏通)大桥进行的现场扁铲侧胀试验结果为例进行聚类分析;

    Secondly , cluster analysis is performed by taking in situ DMT test results of Suzhou-Nantong Bridge as an example .

  24. 简单介绍扁铲侧胀试验,首次提出用扁铲侧胀试验计算地基承载力的方法。

    This paper introduced a new method for determining the bearing capacity of foundation soil using the flat dilatometer test ( DMT ) .

  25. 但是目前国内扁铲侧胀试验存在的主要问题是相关理论研究落后并制约着实际应用。

    However , one chief problem for DMT in China , which restricts its practical application , is that its theory research is low-level .

  26. 土类的划分在岩土工程中是非常重要的,而扁铲侧胀试验则是一种非常有效的原位测试方法。

    The soil classification is very important in geotechnical engineering ; and the flat dilatometer test ( DMT ) is a very useful in-situ test .

  27. 总结性阐述了扁铲侧胀试验在国内外的发展、应用以及所取得的成就。

    At last it summed up the development 、 application and achievement which had been arrived in the Flat Dilatometer Test all over the world .

  28. 扁铲侧胀试验在世界各地已经得到广泛的应用,自上世纪末引入我国以来,受到广大岩土工程人员青睐。

    It has been extensively used and calibrated all over the world , and widely accepted by engineers in our China after it was imported since the turn of last century .

  29. 依据扁铲侧胀试验的结果,对桩侧土水平抗力系数的比例系数进行了估算,并估算出单桩水平承载力设计值;

    Based on dilatometer test result , the proportional coefficient of lateral resistance coefficient in pile 's lateral soil , and the design value of single pile lateral bearing capacity is estimated .

  30. 通过对扁铲侧胀试验与其它原位试验方法的比较,发现扁铲试验能很好地确定海滩区淤泥路基原位试验参数。

    From the comparison of the flat dilatometer test ( DMT ) and several other in-situ tests , a conclusion can be drawn that the DMT is very suitable for test parameter measurement of seaside silt .