
  1. 在考虑磨损引起端面表面形貌变化的基础上,引入分形理论分析了弹簧比压对平衡型机械密封泄漏率和端面摩擦特性的影响,并针对GY-70平衡型机械密封进行了试验研究。

    While the fact that abrasion leads to change of surface topography was taken into consideration , the influence of spring pressure on both leakage rate and friction characteristic of balanced mechanical seals was investigated by fractal theory . Several GY-70 type balanced mechanical seals were tested .

  2. 弹簧比压对平衡型机械密封基本性能的影响

    Influence of spring pressure on basic performance of balanced mechanical seals

  3. 静环浮动单端面平衡型机械密封

    Stationary ring , floating , single butt end and balanced mechanical seal

  4. 分析了弹簧比压对平衡型机械密封摩擦特性和密封性能的影响,利用自行研制的动态下弹簧比压可控机械密封试验装置对平衡型机械密封进行了试验。

    The effect of spring pressure on friction characteristic and seal capability of the balanced mechanical seal is analyzed , and the balanced mechanical seal is tested in the test device which spring pressure of mechanical seal can be adjusted during its operation .

  5. 泵用平衡型波纹管式机械密封的研究

    Research on the Balanced Metal Bellows Mechanical Seal for Pump

  6. 平衡型波纹管式机械密封试验研究特种金属波纹管研制

    Testing on balanced metal bellows seal Research on Metal Bellows of Special Purpose