
  • 网络plate count method;plate count
  1. 选取某市给水管网,分别采用MPN法和平板计数法对管网水及水厂处理单元出水中铁细菌的数量进行测定。

    The amounts of iron bacteria in the distribution system water and the water from each treatment processes were determined by Most Probable Number ( MPN ) and Plate Counts methods .

  2. 在提取剂的筛选、提取剂浓度及提取时间的确定过程中,将ATP生物发光法和平板计数法进行协同研究,得出了一致的结论。

    In order to determine the most effective ATP extractant , the concentration of the extractant and extraction time , the ATP bioluminescent method was combined with the plate count method . The same conclusions were reached using both methods .

  3. 结果表明:该方法准确度与国标的平板计数法相当(r≥0.99),但更为灵敏、快速、简便。

    Accuracy of this method is corresponded with standard plate counting method ( r ≥ 0.99 ), it more sensitive , rapider , and more convenient .

  4. 采用平板计数法和滤纸片法研究了茶多酚对细菌、酵母和霉菌的抑菌活性及茶多酚质量浓度、pH值、温度和食盐质量浓度对抑菌活性的影响。

    The anti-microbial activities of tea-polyphenol and the effects of the factors including concentration , pH value , temperature , NaCl concentration on the anti-microbial activities were studied by plate count and filtering paper method .

  5. 涂布平板计数法与MPN法定量检测禽肉和蛋中沙门菌的比较

    Quantitative detection of Salmonella in poultry and shell eggs from retail market by PCA and MPN methods

  6. 利用格网抽样与重点抽样相结合的混合随机抽样技术以及全球卫星定位系统(GPS),在成都市郊区采集耕作层土样20个,采用稀释平板计数法对其芽孢杆菌和总细菌进行了分离。

    The quantity of soil bacteria and the diversity of Bacillus in the suburbs of Chengdu were examined in 20 soil samples collected at the 0 ~ 20 cm depth by the approaches of grid and stratum sampling combined with GPS .

  7. 本研究采用DAPI染色法、FDA染色法和平板计数法对黄河三角洲退化湿地微生物群落特性及其时空变化进行研究。

    DAPI staining , FDA activity and dilute plate method were applied to study the microbial characteristics and the seasonality dynamics of the degraded wetland in YRD .

  8. 在对大肠杆菌的抑制试验及对嗜酸乳杆菌和双歧杆菌的促进试验中,采用了OD值法和平板计数法,结果表明乳铁蛋白和乳过氧化物酶存在协同功效。

    In the Escherichia coli inhibition test and Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifid bacterium promotion test , using plate count and OD method , the results showed that lactoferrin and lactoperoxidase had synergistic effect .

  9. 将优化的ATP生物发光法应用于苹果汁、面粉、熟肉制品、鱼肉中细菌总数的检测,同时与平板计数法测定结果比较具有良好的相关性(R20.96)。

    The optimized ATP bioluminescent method were applied to detect the bacterial count in apple juice , flour , cooked products , fresh food , and good correlations were reached when compared with the plate count method ( R2 0.96 ) .

  10. 方法将污染不同数量沙门氏菌的样品分别稀释,同时用平板计数法和MPN法分别计数,比对两方法的准确度、灵敏度和可操作性。

    Methods Diluting the samples that polluted with different numbers of Salmonella species , the plate count method and MPN method were adopted to count the value , made comparison of these two methods on accuracy , sensitivity and practicability .

  11. 平板计数法费时且误差较大。

    The determinable error in plate counting method is larger .

  12. 结果与常规平板计数法比较,差别无显著性。

    Results There are no significant differences between the microcolony technique and the plate counting method .

  13. 以稀释平板计数法,测定了臭氧对水体和空气环境的消毒杀菌作用。

    The sterilization of ozone to water and atmosphere was determined by dilution method of plate counting .

  14. 目前,测定发酵液菌体浓度的方法有重量法、平板计数法。

    At present , determining methods of the cell concentration in fermentation liquid contain gravimetric method and plate counting method .

  15. 采用平板计数法测定菌落总数、霉菌和酵母菌的菌落数。

    Total plate count , mould and yeast populations were determined using plate count agar and oxytetracycline glucose agar , respectively .

  16. 采用平板计数法,研究不同氮、磷、钾无机肥类型、不同无机肥用量及无机肥不同配比对生物复混肥活菌数的影响。

    The effects of inorganic fertilizer on the living microbial numbers in microbial-organic-inorganic compound fertilizers were studied by indoor simulated experiment with plating count .

  17. 采用链霉素和利福平抗性标记的菌株,用稀释平板计数法检测其在小麦根、茎基部、叶内的定殖情况。

    The four strains , were marked with streptomycin and rifampin . The colonization in wheat root , stem-base and leaf was investigated through diluting method .

  18. 通过标准平板计数法测定高压脉冲处理后的活菌数,对高压脉冲灭菌效果进行定量分析。

    The viable bacterium after high-voltage pulse stimulation was counted by standard plate count method , and the effect of high-voltage pulse sterilization was quantitatively analyzed .

  19. 在总结前人关于双岐杆菌计数方法的基础上,考虑到双岐杆菌严格厌氧的特点,发明使用了双层培养基平板计数法。

    One the basis of predecessor 's count method of bifidobacterium and considering the anaerobic character of it , the bi-layer matrix flat count method was invented .

  20. 因此,在酒酒球菌计数时最好用浊度计法代替平板计数法。

    Thereby , the method of nephelometer could replace colony counting method , and it would become the best way to count the number of Oenococcus oeni .

  21. 用平板计数法、显微镜直接计数法及培养法分别研究了选择性萃取剂对自然水体生物膜上细菌、原生动物和藻类的影响。

    By the methods of direct viable count and plate count , this paper studied the effects of different selective extractants on the bacteria , algae and protozoan on the biomembrane in natural water body .

  22. 采用平板计数法统计肉鸡盲肠大肠杆菌和乳酸菌数量,观察白头翁对鸡肠道菌群影响,通过体内外试验验证白头翁素抑菌一致作用。

    The number of cecal E. coli and lactic acid bacteria were counted by plate to study the impact of Pulsatilla chinensis on chickens intestinal flora . And then , determine the consistency of antibacterial role by the vivo and vitro test .

  23. 测定了竹叶提取物对食品常见污染菌的抑制效果,采用平板菌落计数法测定了浓度、温度、pH值对其抑菌效果的影响。

    Antimicrobial effect of bamboo leaf extract on common contaminative microorganisms of food was determined . Antimicrobial activities were also assessed under treatments of different extract concentration , temperature and pH value by standard plate count method .

  24. 通过平板培养计数法,验证了该配方的杀菌效果。

    Its inhibitory effect was confirmed with the method of colony counting on plate .

  25. 大肠菌群:平板菌落计数法。

    Coliform : Coliform plate count method .

  26. 结果表明,与抑菌圈法相比,平板菌落计数法具有快速、简便、重复性好等优点。

    The results showed that the method of plate culture count had quicker , easier operation and higher repeatability than the method of bacteriostatic circle did .

  27. 应用平板菌落计数法对白龟山水库周边土壤中微生物的数量及其类群进行了初步研究。

    This article carries on a research on the quantity of the soil microorganism and its types distribution in four peripheral different spots around Baiguishan reservoir .

  28. 采用平板菌落计数法,计算抑菌率,比较不同浓度的生熟大蒜对常见的3种细菌和酵母菌的抑制作用。

    The dull colony notation was adopted to measure restraining effect on three common kinds of bacterias and Saccharomyces cerevisiae with different concentrations of the garlic juice .

  29. 用比浊法和平板菌落计数法测定酿造酱油中菌数的变化,研究荸荠皮提取物在酱油中的抗菌效果。

    The anti-microbial effect of extract of eleocharis tuberosa peel ( EETP ) in soy sauce was studied with the microbial changes in brewing soy sauce by turbidimetry and plate colony-counting methods .

  30. 单纯用牛肉膏蛋白胨培养基结合平板涂布计数法测定好氧细菌数量,不能真实反映窖内好氧细菌的真实情况。

    Moreover , single use of beef extract peptone medium combined with spread plate count method to measure the quantity of aerobic bacteria could not reflect the real status of aerobic bacteria in pits .