
  • 网络Bristol;university of bristol;bristol university
  1. 布里斯托大学(BristolUniversity)地理学教授罗恩•约翰斯顿(RonJohnston)好心地指出了我的错误。

    Ron Johnston , a geography professor at the University of Bristol , was kind enough to point out my mistake .

  2. 选择布里斯托大学的10个理由!

    10 good reasons to choose the University of bristol !

  3. 布莱尔先生去年以良好的成绩从布里斯托大学(BristolUniversity)毕业,自那以来,他一直在加强个人履历。

    Mr Blair has been building up his CV since graduating with a2:1 from Bristol University last year .

  4. 布里斯托大学市场与公共组织中心(BristolUniversity'sCentreforMarketandPublicOrganisation)的经济学家林赛•麦克米伦(LindseyMacmillan)爽快地帮我对这个问题进行了调查。

    Lindsey Macmillan , an economist at Bristol University 's Centre for Market and Public Organisation , kindly investigated this question for me .

  5. 来自布里斯托大学的营养学家SueBaic表示,BMI指数是有缺陷的,因为它没有办法说明人体内有多少脂肪或多少肌肉。

    The BMI is flawed because it doesnt take into account where you carry fat or how muscular you are , says Sue Baic , a dietician from Bristol University .

  6. 博物馆馆长BarryChandler对每日邮报说:“来自布里斯托大学的AidanDodson博士在看到这具木乃伊的设计后,意识到它一定来自埃及的‘鼎盛时期’,也就是阿肯纳顿和图坦卡门时期。”

    Speaking to Mail Online today , museum curator Barry Chandler said , ' Dr Aidan Dodson , from Bristol University , looked at the design and realised it must have come from the Egyptian ' golden age - the time of Akhenaten and Tutankhamun . '

  7. 来自布里斯托大学考古学与人类学学院的AidanDodson检查了这一人工制品,发现它可以追溯至18世纪埃及王朝的图特摩斯三世统治时期,距今3500年。

    Dr Aidan Dodson , from the Department of Archaeology and Anthropology at Bristol University , examined the artefact and found it dated back to the reign of Thutmose III - the 18th Dynasty of Egypt , 3500 years ago .

  8. 论文的联合作者、布里斯托大学德MikeBenton教授告诉BBC:“全球气候一直在变冷,恐龙适合在温暖的气候条件下生存,而哺乳动物更好地适应了寒冷的气候。因此,无论是否有小行星撞地球,最终哺乳动物都会取代恐龙。”

    Co-author Prof Mike Benton of Bristol University , told BBC News : " World climates were getting cooler all the time . Dinosaurs rely on quite warm climates and mammals are better adapted to the cold . So there might have been a switch over in any case without the asteroid impact . "

  9. 布里斯托大学的毕业生的非常受欢迎,经常在他们选择的职业领域里取得辉煌成就。

    Bristol graduates are eminently employable and often achieve great distinction in their chosen careers .

  10. 英国布里斯托大学的调查者对160人进行了一项研究,参与者年龄从18岁至40岁不等。

    Researchers at the University of Bristol in the UK conducted a study with 160 people between the ages of 18 and 40 .

  11. 英国布里斯托大学的研究人员日前发现了一种可产生够使用5000年的清洁能源电池的制造方法。

    Researchers at the University of Bristol have found a means of creating a battery capable of generating clean electricity for five millennia .

  12. 布里斯托大学的一项研究发现,养猫的人比养狗的人拿到大学文凭的人数要多。

    Peoplewho own a cat are more likely to have a university degree thanthose with a pet dog , a study by Bristol Universitysuggests .

  13. 布里斯托大学的行为生态学家英尼斯·卡特希尔认为如果是这样,那么各个物种间将会爆发全面战争。

    Innes Cuthill , a behavioral ecologist at the University of Bristol , thinks that it will be an all-out war between the species .

  14. 1921年玛丽安娜·比尔被布里斯托大学录取,女校长让全校放假半天以示庆祝。

    When Mariana Beer was accepted to read English at Bristol in1921 , her headmistress celebrated with a half-day holiday for the entire school .

  15. 食物对智力的影响很大,英国布里斯托大学的研究人员说饮食更健康的孩子会有更高的智商。

    The effect is so great that researchers from the University of Bristol said those children with a healthier diet may get an IQ boost .

  16. 英国布里斯托大学越南问题专家甘斯伯洛说,这项会谈为越南带来保证,但也同样冒了国内政治的风险。

    Martin Gainsborough , a Vietnam expert at Bristol University in Britain , says the talks carry promise for Vietnam , but also domestic political risks .

  17. 位于英国格兰的布里斯托大学科学家们开发出一种技术,可用来识别古时陶瓷碎片上残留的牛奶油脂。

    Scientists at the University of Bristol in England developed a technique to identify the residue of fats from cows ' milk on ancient pieces of pottery .

  18. 使用英国生物样本库的数据,布里斯托大学和卡迪夫大学的科学家分析了44种与近视风险相关的基因变异、以及69种与受教育时间相关的变异。

    Using Biobank data , the Bristol and Cardiff scientists analysed 44 genetic variants associated with risk of myopia and 69 variants associated with time spent in education .

  19. 而布里斯托大学猫冠状病毒博士简·马雷表示,主人教育程度高低所导致的养狗还是养猫的差异是最明显的。

    However Dr Jane Murray , a lecturer in feline epidemiology at Bristol University , said the variation in education level between owners was the most striking difference .

  20. 英国布里斯托大学科学家最新研究发现,从小就吃健康食品的孩子比那些吃“垃圾食品”长大的同龄人更加聪明。

    According to a recent research by scientists from the University of Bristol , children brought up on healthy diets are more intelligent compared with their junk food-eating counterparts .

  21. 英国布里斯托大学的科学家们早在几年前就发现和珊瑚虫一起生活的小鱼是通过声音找到礁石的。

    Scientists at the University of Bristol in England had already discovered in the last few years that baby fish who live among coral use sound to find the reefs .

  22. 分枝杆菌,一种在东非发现的土壤微生物,对免疫系统有强大的疗效,被布里斯托大学测试用来做癌症的治疗。

    Mycobacterium vaccae , a soil microbe found in East Africa that has powerful effects on the immune system , was tested at the University of Bristol as a cancer therapy .

  23. 这项由英国卡迪夫大学和布里斯托大学的科学家们开展的研究,对英国生物样本库中6.8万名参与者的基因、视力和教育背景信息进行了分析。

    The study , carried out by Cardiff and Bristol university scientists , analysed information on the genetics , eyesight and educational background of 68000 participants in the UK Biobank database .

  24. 的确我们为有一位学生已经考取了在牛津大学计算机专业,而另外一位则被布里斯托大学医学专业所录取感到自豪。

    Indeed , we are proud that one such student has been offered a place at Oxford University to read Computing , whilst another has been accepted by the University of Bristol to read Medicine .

  25. 去年布里斯托大学还有一项研究证实了“啤酒眼”的存在——醉酒者似乎看谁都好看。

    In a previous study last year , again at the University of Bristol , it was found that ' beer goggles ' - in which booze makes others seems more attractive - was a proven phenomena .

  26. 来自布里斯托大学的研究人员发现,15岁的青年人在观看过大多数有演员吸烟镜头的电影后,73%的人会想去模仿,这比那些没有看过的人比例高出很多。

    Researchers from the University of Bristol found that 15-year-olds who saw the most films showing actors puffing on a cigarette were 73 per cent more likely to have tried one than those who has seen the least .

  27. 布里斯托大学的研究生史蒂文·普劳德将在皇家经济学会的会议上宣布:对于小学与初中的英语课而言,女生越少,男生成绩越好。

    Boys do best with " as few girls as possible " in English lessons at primary and secondary school , Steven Proud , a research student at Bristol University , will tell the Royal Economic Society 's conference .

  28. 从事该研究的布里斯托大学资深研究员马库斯·穆纳佛教授指出:“少量饮酒的人比他们清醒或醉酒时的肤色稍微红润些。”

    Professor Marcus Munafo , a senior researcher on the Bristol University study , said : ' The people who had consumed a small amount of alcohol had a slightly rosier complexion than they did in their sober and high-dose photos .

  29. 布里斯托大学的科学家发现,“喝一大杯红酒”使人“面色绯红”,“自信”增加,进而使饮酒人在他人眼中“更具吸引力”,也更可能“约到炮”。

    Scientists at the University of Bristol found that having ' one large glass of wine ' increases ' facial flushing ' and ' confidence ' , making the drinker ' more attractive ' to others and more likely to ' get lucky ' .

  30. 我参加演出的时候如果我告诉他们我是在布里斯托上的大学他们肯定会问我认不认识你男朋友

    When I play a show , and the people know I went to college in Bristol , the first thing they ask is if I know your boyfriend .