
  • 网络Birmingham;Birmingham University;The University of Birmingham
  1. 伯明翰大学的大卫·H·邓恩教授则对无人机带来的窥探风险发出了警告。

    David H Dunn , a professor at Birmingham University , warned of the snooping risk posed by the drones .

  2. 彭博士曾在华盛顿担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)经济师,并拥有英国伯明翰大学的经济学博士学位。

    Wensheng started his career as an economist with the International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) in Washington DC and holds a PhD in economics from the University of Birmingham , England .

  3. “患有功能性疼痛的病人缺乏能够解释他们疼痛症状的明显的疾病或伤害”,伯明翰大学的Dr。

    " Patients with functional pain experience pain in the absence of an obvious disease or injury to explain their pain ," explained Dr.

  4. 伦敦帝国理工学院(ImperialCollege)和伯明翰大学(BirminghamUniversity)是很多与中国航空工业集团和中航工业制造所签署研究协议的西方机构和公司中的两家,协议内容涵盖多种航空技术,主要是更轻更结实材料的开发。

    Imperial College , London and Birmingham University are among a number of western organisations and companies that have signed research agreements with Avic and Bamtri , covering a variety of aerospace technologies , mainly the development of lighter , stronger materials .

  5. 所以,在本月《斯堪的纳维亚医学科学杂志》(ScandinavianJournalofMedicineandScience)发表的一项新研究中,伯明翰大学和其他几所大学的研究员们开始招募大学办公室里久坐的工作人员。

    So , for the new study , which was published in the Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports this month , researchers at the University of Birmingham and other universities began by recruiting sedentary office workers at the university .

  6. 斯洛曼(AaronSloman)是英国伯明翰大学计算机科学学院的一位杰出的人工智能哲学专家、认知科学家。

    Sloman ( Aaron Sloman ), University of Birmingham School of Computer Science is an outstanding philosophy of artificial intelligence experts , cognitive scientists .

  7. 伯明翰大学的研究计划与空客(Airbus)和欧洲宇航防务集团(EADS)等西方航空公司合作进行,在中航工业制造所被纳入美国观察名单之前,该计划就结束了。

    Birmingham 's research programme , undertaken in partnership with western aerospace companies such as Airbus and EADS , ended before Bamtri 's inclusion on the US watchlist .

  8. 伯明翰大学的大众健康讲师JohnDuffy说:酒类最近在媒体上臭名昭著,所以在看到这样一篇关于酒类在文化中的积极作用的例子确实让人很振奋。

    John Duffy , a public health lecturer at Birmingham University , said : Alcohol gets too much of a bad press these days so it is refreshing to read a positive example of how it is an integral part of our culture .

  9. 劳拉·JV·皮多克是伯明翰大学的微生物学教授,也是抗生素运动的发起人。抗生素运动是一项英国主导的独立运动,致力于向全球传播抗生素抗药菌问题的严重性。

    Laura J V Piddock , professor of microbiology at the University of Birmingham , the United Kingdom , also heads up Antibiotic Action , an independent UK-led global initiative working to push home the gravity of this problem facing people the world over .

  10. 伯明翰大学的副校长DavidEastwood教授称:“一百多年来,伯明翰大学有竞争优势,并培养出许多优秀的人才。我们欢迎来自全球各个地方的学子来伯明翰学习,中国学生是我们教学研究不可或缺的一部分。”

    University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir David Eastwood said : " The University of Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century . We welcome people from around the globe to study at Birmingham and Chinese students form an integral part of our education and research community .

  11. 伯明翰大学中国分校主任JonFrampton教授说:“伯明翰大学接纳中国学子已经有很长一段历史了,其中我们最著名的校友之一李四光——中国地质学之父。“

    Professor Jon Frampton , Director of the University of Birmingham 's China Institute said : " The University of Birmingham has a long history of educating students from China and one of our most famous graduates is Li Siguang - the founding father of Chinese geology .

  12. 伯明翰大学现在设有英国首家生物医学伦里学系。

    Birmingham University now has Britain 's first department of Biomedical Ethics .

  13. 一种生长状态&解读英国伯明翰大学校园

    A State of Growing & Analyzing the Campus of University of Birmingham

  14. 我现在在伯明翰大学念最后一年。

    I 'm in my final year at Birmingham now .

  15. 她得到一份在伯明翰大学当讲师的聘任。

    She was offered a lectureship at Birmingham university .

  16. 这项研究由英国伯明翰大学和中国广州一家医院的科学家们联合展开,研究成果将在英国年度糖尿病研讨会上发布。

    Hospital in China , will be presented at Diabetes UK 's annual conference .

  17. 他于1998年获得了英国伯明翰大学的天体物理学专业的学士学位。

    He received a BSc in Physics with Astrophysics from Birmingham University in UK in 1998 .

  18. 被削掉的课程涵盖了从伯明翰大学的考古学,到索福尔德大学和伦敦城市大学的语言课程等各类课程。

    The scrapped courses range from archeology at Birmingham to languages at Salford and London Metropolitan .

  19. 英国的传播学研究起源于伯明翰大学的当代文化研究中心。

    The communication studies in UK started in CCCS ( the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies ) .

  20. 根据阳伯明翰大学的研究,有个姐妹对你的精神健康有好处。

    Having a sister is good for your mental health , according to research from Brigham Young University .

  21. 伯明翰大学的科学家发现,以糖为生的无害细菌能产生氢气。

    Scientists at the University of Birmingham have shown that harmless bacteria that feeds on sugar produces hydrogen gas .

  22. 林先生毕业于英国伯明翰大学,机械工程及经济系(一等荣誉学位)。

    Mr Lim graduated with first class honors for Mechanical Engineering and Economics at the University of Birmingham , United Kingdom .

  23. 戴维·洛奇1960年在英国伯明翰大学获得博士学位并从此到1987年在伯明翰大学教授英国文学达27年。

    He obtained a PhD at the University of Birmingham and he taught English Literature there for 27 years from 1960 to 1987 .

  24. 在1987年,他从伯明翰大学退休但是依然被聘为当代文学的荣誉教授。

    In 1987 , he retired from Birmingham University but retains the title of Honorary Professor of Modern English Literature of Birmingham University .

  25. 至于伯明翰大学伊利莎伯女皇奖学金,则只限香港大学毕业生申请;

    In the case of the University of Birmingham Queen Elizabeth scholarship , eligibility is restricted to graduates of the University of Hong kong ;

  26. 伯明翰大学的托比·彼得斯教授表示,辉瑞和生物新技术公司共同开发疫苗所需的超低温将对许多国家构成挑战。

    Professor Toby Peters of the University of Birmingham says ultra-cold temperatures required by the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine will pose a challenge for many countries .

  27. 伯明翰大学,剑桥大学和朴茨茅斯大学也使用了这个称谓,英国高校联合招生委员会在去年7月也引入了该称谓。

    Birmingham , Cambridge and Portsmouth University also use the title as well as UCAS the university admissions service which introduced it for students last July .

  28. 在洛奇从伯明翰大学退休后,他的小说呈现出对现实主义的回归,小说主题被前景化,而形式技巧退回到其次。

    Lodge returns to traditional realistic writing after he retired from Birmingham University as thematics is foregrounded and techniques are backgrounded in the novels of that phase .

  29. 史蒂芬妮·迈尔,美国儿童文学家,曾于伯明翰大学学习英国文学,现与她的家人居住在亚里桑那州,主要作品有《新月》,《黄昏》等。

    Stephenie Meyer graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in English Literature , and she lives with her husband and three young sons in Arizona .

  30. 1900年,英国维多利亚女王通过宪章建立了伯明翰大学,它是英国第一所红砖大学。

    The University of Birmingham was established by Queen Victoria by Royal Charter in 1900 and was the UK 's first civic or ' redbrick ' university .