
bó jué
  • count;earl
伯爵 [bó jué]
  • (1) [earl]∶大不列颠的第三等贵族,位于侯爵之下和子爵之上

  • (2) [count]∶欧洲的一种贵族称号,在近代是位于侯爵之下,在没有侯爵的国家则位于公爵之下

伯爵[bó jué]
  1. 她的父亲是波兰的一位伯爵。

    Her father was a Polish Count .

  2. 我的力量比我们上次见面时提高了一倍,伯爵。

    My powers have doubled since we last met , count .

  3. 已故伯爵将他的大部分财产传给了女儿。

    The late Earl passed on much of his fortune to his daughter

  4. 那是沃里克路,就在伯爵宫地铁站对面。

    That 's Warwick Road , just opposite Earls Court tube station .

  5. 今年早些时候他父亲去世,他继为第4代伯爵。

    He became the fourth earl on the death of his father earlier this year .

  6. 这位伯爵既没钱也没有良好的判断力去雇用一名管家替自己管理这所房子。

    The Earl didn 't have the money or good judgement to employ a steward to manage the place for him .

  7. 伯爵、亲王和国王属于贵族。

    Earls , princes , and kings belong to the nobility .

  8. 德比这个说法很有可能来源于1780年第12世德比伯爵在英格兰开创的赛马活动TheDerby。早在1840年时,德比一词就在英语里用作名词来指代任何一种体育比赛。

    The phrase most likely originated from The Derby , a horse race in England , founded by the 12th Earl of Derby in 1780 , since at least as early as 1840 ' derby ' has been used as a noun in English to denote any kind of sporting contest .

  9. 伯爵夫人身材修长,苗条优雅,面色十分苍白。

    The countess was tall , svelte and very pale .

  10. 伯爵夫人和罗齐尔先生已经搭讪上了。

    A meeting had immediately taken place between the Countess and Mr. Rosier .

  11. 我做了一个很有趣的梦:梦中我正在托洛尼亚府里和G伯爵夫人跳极乐舞呢。

    I had such a delightful dream . I was dancing the galop at Torlonia 's with the Countess G & .

  12. 我们点了饮料&他要了一杯格雷伯爵茶(EarlGreyTea),我要了杯黑皮诺酒。然后,我们开始讨论他的新书。

    After ordering drinks - a cup of Earl Grey tea for him , and a glass of pinot noir for me - we settle in to discuss his new book .

  13. 离开柯克沃尔,我们驶过呼啸的山间和泥泞的田野,来到奥弗尔以及“伯爵酒廊”(Earl'sBu)考古遗址。

    After Kirkwall , we drove across windswept hills and muddy farmlands , before arriving at Orphir and the archaeological remains of Earl 's Bu .

  14. 拜伦的女儿埃达,也就是洛夫莱斯伯爵夫人(CountessofLovelace),则比她父亲更有远见。

    Byron 's daughter Ada , Countess of Lovelace , was more prescient .

  15. 南海泡沫的起因是英国时任财政大臣罗伯特•哈利(RobertHarley)伯爵希望为国债融资而制造的毁灭性阴谋。

    The South Sea Bubble was the result of ruinous machinations by Britain 's lord treasurer , Robert Harley , Earl of Oxford , who was looking to fund the national debt .

  16. 第七代伯爵则自以为是影视明星,一度在城堡顶上建了块电影屏幕(英格丽•褒曼(IngridBergman)曾在屏幕前参加过伯爵举办的社交聚会)。

    The seventh earl , fancying himself as a movie actor , built a large cinema screen on the roof ( Ingrid Bergman partied in front of it ) .

  17. 同样是在2011年,摩纳哥阿尔贝二世亲王和夏琳·丽奈特·维斯托克(CharleneLynetteWittstock)结婚,2012年,卢森堡大公储纪尧姆(Guillaume)和比利时女伯爵斯蒂芬妮·德·兰诺伊(StephaniedeLannoy)结婚。

    Also in 2011 , Prince Albert II of Monaco wed Charlene Lynette Wittstock and in 2012 , Prince Guillaume of Luxembourg united with Belgian Countess Stephanie de Lannoy .

  18. 这位格兰瑟姆伯爵(theEarlofGrantham)惊讶地发现自己被一位名为乔治·海洋·重力(GeorgeOceansGravity)的好莱坞伯爵所取代,妻子乔拉(Cora)嫁给了这位人称好莱坞伯爵(克鲁尼饰)的男人。

    In the alternate reality , the Earl of Grantham is aghast to learn that his wife Cora has married another man : George Oceans Gravity , Marquis of Hollywood , otherwise known as Lord Hollywood ( Clooney ) 。

  19. 据中世纪的《奥克尼伯爵萨迦》(Orkneyingasaga)记载,这个有将近一千年历史的遗址,不仅包括马格努斯的那个残暴的堂兄弟哈孔(Hakon)所建的一座圆形教堂,还有一座宏伟的酒廊,也就是bu。

    According to the medieval Orkneyinga saga , the nearly 1000-year-old site was home not only to a round church built by Magnus 's murderous cousin Hakon , but also to a grand drinking hall , or bu .

  20. 英国地产集团capital&counties(以下简称capco)正与亚洲最富有的家族之一进行谈判,目的是为伦敦西区伯爵府(earlscourt)一项价值数十亿英镑的重建计划提供融资。

    Capital & counties , the UK property group , is in talks with one of the wealthiest families in Asia to provide funding for the multibillion pound redevelopment of the Earls Court site in West London .

  21. 他们补充称,其它投资集团也就参股伯爵府项目接洽了CapCo。不过,与郭氏家族的谈判比其它公司都更为深入。

    They add that CapCo has been approached by other investment groups about becoming a partner in the site . However , the talks are more advanced with the Kwok family than any other group .

  22. 我们的伯爵夫人显然没有意识到她已经破坏了规矩。

    The Countess was apparently unaware of having broken any rule .

  23. 玛丽亚:是我教他们一支欢迎伯爵夫人的歌。

    Maria : I taught them a song for the Baroness .

  24. “伯爵在这儿?”市长惊讶地问。

    " Is the Count here ?" asks the Mayor surprised .

  25. 我想第七代伯爵大人也会支持我的所作所为。

    I like to think the seventh earl would have approved .

  26. “我对伯爵夫人怎么说好呢?”

    " And what message shall I convey to the baroness !"

  27. 帕里斯,年轻的伯爵,大公的亲戚。

    Paris , a young Count , kinsman to the Prince .

  28. (在不同国家)指高于伯爵等级的贵族。

    Nobleman ( in various countries ) ranking above a count .

  29. 伯爵自己幸运的,如果你不认识他们。

    Count yourself lucky if you don 't know them .

  30. 他的岳父是位伯爵,而且极为富有。

    His father-in-law was a count , and exceedingly wealthy .