
  • 网络Berluti;Olga Berluti
  1. 就拿定制鞋厂伯鲁提berluti来说吧,它允许消费者在所选的皮鞋上印上自己喜欢的“纹身”。

    Take the bespoke shoemaker berluti , which offers customers the chance to ink a " tattoo " of their choice on their leather shoe .

  2. 由亚历桑德罗•萨托利(AlessandroSatori)设计的伯鲁提系列服装,让人念念不忘,但印象最深的是其母公司路威铭轩(LVMH)的营销策略——努力吸引那些不差钱、但对时尚趋之如骛的年长男士。

    Berluti 's clothes , designed by Alessandro Satori , are impressive enough but most striking of all is the strategy of owners LVMH , gunning hard for an older , wealthier but style-hungry customer .

  3. 但他如今已转投老东家杰尼亚(Zegna),他离开后,伯鲁提的主家路威酩轩(LVMH)决定举办一场泳池酒会。

    He has headed back to his old home of Zegna , and in his absence owners LVMH decided to throw a pool party .

  4. 伯鲁提的时装轻轻松松就能卖到几千美元高价。

    Berluti clothing can easily go for four figures .

  5. 伯鲁提认为,这与引起别人的注意有关。

    Berluti argues it is about being noticed .

  6. 与在伯鲁提一样,斯理曼很快在圣•罗兰打造了一片新天地,推出的服装品类齐全、让人心悦诚服。

    As with Berluti , Slimane has rapidly created a complete and convincing new world at Saint Laurent .

  7. 伯鲁提的哑铃与跳绳很显然可以买到——只是没人想要。

    Berluti dumbbells and skipping ropes will apparently be available to buy - just what nobody ever wanted .

  8. 安托尼·阿诺特现在是伯鲁提品牌的首席执行官,他还说:“他的魅力与领导才能无与伦比。此外,他也是凶狠的谈判对手,你绝不想挡他的路。”

    The younger Mr. Arnault , who is now chief executive of the Berluti brand , added : " His charm and charisma were unparalleled . However , he was a fierce negotiator , and you didn 't want to get in his way . "