
  1. 注:附加布加迪渲染是仅用于说明的目的

    Note : Attached Bugatti renderings are for illustrative purposes only .

  2. 虽然略带争议,但布加迪威龙16.4Grandsport还是很容易被认为是最快的跑车。

    Arguably , the Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand sport is easily the world 's fastest roadster .

  3. 如果都可以开一年,你愿意开私人飞机,还是布加迪威龙(BugattiVeyron)的“GrandSport”跑车?

    Which would you rather own for a year : a private jet or a Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport ?

  4. 此外,法拉利(ferrari)正计划未来6到8个月内,在孟买开设首家经销店;布加迪(bugatti)、阿斯顿马丁(astonmartin)等超级跑车制造商也正在尝试进入印度市场。

    Meanwhile , Ferrari is looking to open its first dealership in Mumbai in the next six to eight months , entering the market at a time when supercar manufacturers such as Bugatti and Aston Martin are trying their luck .

  5. 为了缓解交通堵塞大家都去买布加迪和风之子吧。

    All go and buy bugattis and zondas to cure congestion .

  6. 布加迪设计的赛车在跑道上非常出名。

    Bugatti 's reputation was established on the race track .

  7. 毫无疑问,布加迪汽车是整个汽车历史上最名声显赫的。

    Undoubtedly , Bugatti is the most prestigious name in auto history .

  8. 这是布加迪威龙全新概念快艇。

    This is the new Bugatti Veyron concept speedboat .

  9. 要是喜欢飚车,那就登上布加迪的超速快车吧,它可以呼啸而过,时速达252英里!

    If going fast is your thing , climb into Bugatti 's superfast car that can zip along at252 miles per hour !

  10. 多数人可能会选择私人飞机,因为它比零售价2128230美元的布加迪威龙跑车贵多了。

    Most might say the jet , since it is much more expensive than Bugatti , a car that retails for a mere $ 2,128,230 .

  11. 像土豪们最爱的豪车,如奔驰,宝马,或者更贵的宾利,保时捷,布加迪,法拉利以及兰博基尼。

    Tuhao 's favorite car brands are BMW and Mercedes-Benz , while truly rich people prefer Bentley , Porsche , Bugatti , Ferrari and Lamborghini .

  12. 布加迪威龙,目前世界上百米加速最快的超级跑车,销售价格最为昂贵的跑车。

    The cloth Gade prestige dragon , world over a hundred meters accelerate the quickest super race car at present , the selling price most expensive race car .

  13. 布加迪是车坛上一个不朽的名字,素以前卫的设计、不凡的性能为车迷们向往。

    Cloth Gade is in the vehicle world an immortal name , the element take vanguard 's design , the uncommon performance yearned for as the car fans .