
bēn chí
  • Benz;gallop;speed;run quickly
奔驰 [bēn chí]
  • [gallop;run quickly;speed] 车马等快速地跑

  • 汽车在望不到边际的高原上奔驰。--茅盾《白杨礼赞》

奔驰[bēn chí]
  1. 如果你需要一个理由来减缓早在一个月,尽管火星哄让你奔驰,考虑这一点。

    In case you needed another reason to slow down early in the month , despite Mars'coaxing to get you to run quickly , consider this .

  2. 不算阿波罗登月车,特斯拉将是第一部在地球外的星球奔驰的汽车。

    Not counting Apollo moon buggies , the Roadster is the first automobile to speed right off the planet .

  3. 他把旧汽车折价添钱买了辆新奔驰。

    He traded in his old car for a new Mercedes .

  4. 那辆奔驰开始逼近小货车。

    The Mercedes began to gain on the van .

  5. 奔驰轿车的前部把大门洞穿了。

    The snout of the Mercedes poked through the gates

  6. 她意识到那辆奔驰在跟踪她。

    She realized that the Mercedes was following her

  7. 看到电视上的赛马节目时,我真希望自己能再度跨马奔驰。

    When I watch horse racing on television , I wish I was back in the saddle .

  8. 骏马在草原上奔驰。

    Sturdy steeds gallop on the grasslands .

  9. 火车向前奔驰。

    The train sped on .

  10. 马最快的步法是奔驰。

    The fastest gait of a horse is the gallop .

  11. 我猛戳了马一下,它就奔驰起来了。

    The horse started galloping the moment I gave it a good dig .

  12. 德国汉堡的梅赛德斯奔驰E系列警车。

    Mercedes-Benz E-Class police car spotted in Hamburg , Germany .

  13. 戴姆勒-克莱斯勒则认为,这项判决不合理,而作为判决的依据,一位法庭专家计算的戴姆勒-奔驰的替代价值(alternativevalue)是没有根据的。

    Daimler described the ruling as unreasonable and based on an unfounded alternative value for Daimler-Benz calculated by a court expert .

  14. 根据框架协议,双方将成立合资企业,在中国生产梅赛德斯&奔驰E级和C级轿车。

    The agreement formed a joint venture between the parties to produce Mercedes-Benz E-Class and C-Class models locally in China .

  15. 奔驰F015采取这种特别的外观是不可避免的吗?

    BB : Was it inevitable that the Mercedes F 015 would take this specific shape ?

  16. c级将改进驾驶舱管理及数据系统使之更具娱乐化更适合驾驶,并接近奔驰公司目前的s级。

    The C-class will have an improved COMAND system for entertainment and navigation similar to the one now used in the company 's S-class sedans .

  17. 奔驰B级车型(高车座家用旅行车)在2011年经过了重新设计,一直未在美国市场出售(但在墨西哥和加拿大有售)。

    Redesigned in 2011 , the B-Class ( tall family wagon ) has been unavailable in the U.S. ( but yes for Mexico and Canada ) .

  18. 奔驰一款柴油C级休旅车和E级轿车将会展出能源节约的停启和制动能源再生系统。

    The carmaker 's new fuel-saving stop-start and brake energy regeneration systems will be showcased in a diesel C-class station wagon and a gasoline-powered E-class sedan .

  19. 新型梅赛德斯奔驰CL型汽车汽车动力性与乘坐舒适性的和谐统一

    New CL Car of Mercedes-Benz

  20. 感谢奔驰GP和梅赛德斯奔驰高性能引擎部门每个人的辛勤工作。

    Thank you to everyone at Mercedes GP and Mercedes-Benz HighPerformanceEngines for their relentless work .

  21. 国际汽车展览会(IAA)上的梅赛德斯&奔驰S级

    Mercedes Benz S class Car at IAA

  22. 据IHSAutomotive公司的数据,梅塞德斯-奔驰目前控制着21.4%的高端市场,比2001年的25%略有降低。

    According to IHS automotive , M-B now commands 21.4 % , down from 25 % in 2001 .

  23. 周一,中国裁定梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)在定价上违法。

    On Monday , China found Mercedes-Benz guilty of price fixing .

  24. 奔驰今天透露将不会被释放的新E级敞篷今年秋季在法兰克福和E级车将推迟一年,以及。

    Mercedes-Benz today revealed it won 't be releasing the new E-Class Cabrio at Frankfurt this fall , and the E-Class Wagon will be delayed a year as well .

  25. 之前有种说法,认为宝马3和奔驰C并不存在竞争关系,因为消费者早已在两款车后面排好了队,不知您怎么看这种观点?

    There was a viewpoint , that there exists no competition between BMW3 and Mercedes Benz C , because the consumers of both brands are very loyal , what 's your opinion about this ?

  26. 梅赛德斯奔驰(Mercedes-Benz)从不放弃任何一次自抬身价的机会。

    Mercedes-Benz never ignores an opportunity to pat itself on the back .

  27. 而戴姆勒公司(Daimler)首席执行官迪特尔•柴奇介绍全新的奔驰C级车时,人头攒动的奔驰展台边上有些人只是静静地等候着。

    Some waited quietly near the perimeter of the crowded Mercedes stand as Daimler chief executive Dieter Zetsche introduced the new C-class cars .

  28. 新的奔驰c级同奔驰旗舰s级别的新设计风格一样采取了刀锋设计的风格,同时也比目前的版本无论从内部还是外观都要大了少许。

    The new C-class follows the recent redesign of the brand 's flagship S-class , giving the car a sharper-edged look . It 's also slightly larger , inside and out than the current version .

  29. 戴姆勒汽车公司CEO蔡澈正努力展现公司(梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车的制造商)最好的一面。

    Dieter Zetsche , Daimler CEO , tried to put the best possible face on the position of his company , which makes Mercedes-Benz vehicles .

  30. 新的竞争者,比如梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes)、雷克萨斯(Lexus)甚至连保时捷(Porsche)都开始推出越野车型,蚕食着路虎的市场份额。

    Newer competitors from Mercedes , Lexus , and even Porsche began to make inroads .