
  • 网络Burger King;burger king corporation;bkc
  1. 据NPR新闻的詹姆斯·罗利报道,这项交易可能降低汉堡王公司的税收。

    NPR 's James Rolly reports the deal could lower the taxes Burger King pays .

  2. 汉堡王公司为员工提供系统的培训、广阔的发展空间和完善的福利保障。

    We provide our employees with international-standard training , wide career development and welfare coverage .

  3. 今天,汉堡王公司考虑与加拿大咖啡连锁企业蒂姆·霍顿斯达成并购协议,消息公布后汉堡王公司的股价大幅上涨。

    Shares of Burger King rose sharply today after that company settles considering a merger with the Canadian chain Tim Hortons .

  4. 依据这项交易,汉堡王将并购蒂姆·霍顿斯公司,新成立公司的总部将设立在加拿大。

    Under the deal , Burger King would merge with Tim Hortons and the newly-created company would be headquartered in Cananda .