
xiá guāng
  • rays;sunglow;rays of morning or evening sunlight
霞光 [xiá guāng]
  • [rays of morning or evening sunlight] 日光照射在云霞上所反映出来的光彩

霞光[xiá guāng]
  1. 天空的霞光渐渐地淡下去了,深红的颜色变成了绯红,绯红又变为浅红。

    The glowing clouds are growing slowly pale , scarlet , bright red , and then light red .

  2. 雄蕊中多胺和脯氨酸含量变化对UV-B辐射的响应说明霞光品种对UV-B辐射更敏感。

    Change in polyamine and proline levels in response to UV-B radiation indicated that XG might be more sensitive to UV-B stress .

  3. 夕阳西沉,霞光满天。

    The colors of the sunset were diffused across the sky .

  4. 看见高山笼罩著紫色霞光。

    Where in purple hue the Highland hills we view .

  5. 当霞光消退在茫茫天�

    When the sun paints the sky in the west

  6. 最后的一道金色霞光划过了杜瓦尔纳内兹海湾(法国海湾)。

    The last golden light of the sun came across the Bay of Douarnenez .

  7. 纤细的云朵畅游在绛色霞光里,就像鱼儿遨游在深海中。

    The long slender bars of cloud float like fishes in the sea of crimson light .

  8. 当太阳落山的时候,天空呈现一片红色的霞光。

    As the sun went down , the whole sky became suffused with a red glow .

  9. 登山观日出,霞光异彩,漫步山间路,清静逍遥。

    Sunrise Mountain View , Xiaguang splendor , walk through the mountain roads , quiet Xiaoyao .

  10. 这些多余的照明,碰到空气中的微尘粒子和水分子后发生反射,就造成空中的“霞光”现象。

    This wasted light reflects off tiny particles of dust and moisture in the air , causing skyglow .

  11. 那是我们第一次约会的餐厅,还有小卡最爱的日落霞光……

    Yeah . The restaurant where we had our first date , the sunset lighting that Cam loves ...

  12. 埃及卢克索的帝王谷里,霞光流连在拉美西斯三世的陵墓上。

    Twilight lingers over the tomb of Ramses III in the Valley of Kings in Luxor , Egypt .

  13. 贝尔畅游于底格里斯河而且经常披着日出的霞光骑行穿越城市。

    Bell swam in the Tigris River and often started her morning with a horseback ride through the city .

  14. 西天升起了云彩,把太阳分成射向四方的几道霞光。

    Clouds had moved up in the west , splitting the sun into rays that splayed in several directions .

  15. 一天早上我正在用心记下万道霞光穿透云层的模样

    One morning I was making mental notes ... of how the streaks of light were cutting through the clouds ...

  16. 灯,是先哲驱逐黑暗的霞光,使光明永恒。

    Lights , is the expulsion of the Sages of the glowing rays of darkness , so that bright eternal .

  17. 一抹绀色间以青紫色的霞光,返映着湖堤上雨后的碧柳。

    One day at sunset , violet and purple rays illuminated the emerald trailers of the weeping willows on the dyke .

  18. “霞光”使云彩发出白色、桔色,或是粉红色的光,就破坏了我们的夜景。

    Skyglow causes clouds to glow white , orange , or pink , and destroys our view of the nighttime sky .

  19. 看到黎明早已来临,一道道玫瑰色霞光已照亮东方,我又惊又喜。

    I was surprised and cheered to see how far dawn was advanced : what rosy streaks were beginning to brighten the east !

  20. 随着天边最后一抹霞光的朦胧,月如盘,悄悄地爬上树梢。于是小潭里便有了月色袅娜

    Dispersing the last streak of dusk , the moon climbs up the tip of trees , and her reflection appears in the pond

  21. 如果从月球的视角来看,红润的光芒是日落及日出时分沿地球侧面映出的霞光。

    Seen from a lunar perspective , the ruddy illumination is from all the sunsets and sunrises around the edges of a silhouetted Earth .

  22. 街垒后面的那所高楼是向阳的,它的屋顶反映着粉红色的霞光。

    The lofty house which formed the back of the barricade , being turned to the East , had upon its roof a rosy reflection .

  23. 天上绀色与青紫色的霞光,也越散越淡了。而太阳的光已大半沉在返映的水里。

    The violet and purple sunset rays were growing dimmer , the light of the sun having already more than half sunk in the reflecting water .

  24. 那些湛蓝、浅灰和深黑色的绣袍,闪烁着夜光、日光和霞光,我愿把它们全都铺在您的足下:

    The blue and the dim and the dark cloths Of night and light and the half-light , I would spread the cloths under your feet :

  25. 一缕霞光在梦里变得恁般遥远,天际悠远的世界,是谁的目光望断了千年的守候?

    Rays in a dream to become a ray of Nenban distant , distant horizon of the world , whose eyes monopoly for a thousand years waiting for ?

  26. 霞光竟然是爱马仕橘红色的,我把帽子翻过来,无聊地将橘红色印在白色的标签上。

    The rays is Hermes Orange Red , I turned my hat over because I was so boring , and let the orange red mirrored on the white label .

  27. 你也有你的音乐,不必为此冥思苦想;当细浪般的云层映出柔和的夕照,残梗凌乱的田野抹上玫瑰色的霞光;

    Think not of them , thou hast thy music too , - While barr è d clouds bloom the soft-dying day , And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue ;

  28. 一天晚上,当太阳正在美丽的霞光中落下去的时候,有一群漂亮的大鸟从灌木林里飞出来,小鸭从来没有看到过这样美丽的东西。

    One evening , the sun was just setting in with true splendor when 1 ) beautiful large birds appeared out of the bushes . The duckling had never seen anything so beautiful .

  29. 我目睹过日落的万丈霞光之美,亲历过春天树林的生机盎然之美,凝望过女人们眼中的风情万种之美,但如今这些曾让我快乐无比的光纤色彩竟无法再让我蠢蠢欲动。

    I have seen beauty in a sunset and in the spring woods and in the eyes of divers women , but now these happy accidents of light and color no longer thrill me .

  30. 东方吐白,旭日冉冉升起,霞光里,几片薄薄的黛色云,悬浮在遥远神秘的天际,兀自变幻着图案,静谧而自在;

    Eastern spit white , the sun rising , Rays , the few pieces of thin clouds Dai color , suspended in the distant horizon of mystery , to uphold the pattern changes , quiet and comfortable ;