
  • Fu character;Lucky Character;Lucky Fu
  1. 传统的元素,如龙,凤图案,万寿图,福字等,应用,这方面做了大量图形设计的尝试。

    The application of traditional elements , such as dragon and phoenix patterns , Wanshou map , Fu character , etc. , this area has done a lot of graphic design attempts .

  2. 为什么福字要倒着贴呢?这里有三种解释。

    As to why fu should be placed upside down there are three interpretations .

  3. 第二颗心是刻有中国汉字福字的玉坠。

    The second heart is made of jade and has the Chinese character Fu .

  4. 她偷偷下令全城的人都把自己家门上的福字倒过来。

    She gave an order that every family should hang " happiness " upside down on the door .

  5. 他还命令士兵将没有参与这件事的人家贴上福字。

    He also asked the soldiers to paste fu on the doors of those who did not join in the crowd .

  6. 他遵照传统,命人在库房和王府大门上贴了几个大大的福字。

    He followed past practice and had several large fu written and pasted on the front gates of the warehouse and the mansion .

  7. 福字通福寿,寓意幸福长寿,故作品称福寿喜同贺,非常吉祥喜庆的题材。

    The character-longevity , it means a long and happy life , said it works with the Hi-longevity , the very auspicious festive theme .

  8. 中国汉字福意味着好运和幸福。每到春节,几乎每个家庭都会将福字倒贴在家里的门上,以希望这个字能给家人带来祝福。

    The Chinese character fu means good fortune and happiness , and during Spring Festival virtually every family would paste it upside down on their doors in the hope that the word could bring blessings to their families .

  9. 春节的习俗很多,如:贴春联、贴窗花和倒福字、贴年画、放鞭炮、吃饺子、拜年等。

    Spring Festival custom many , such as : Spring Festival couplet , stick grilles and pour hang " happiness " upside down , posted pictures , set off firecrackers , eat dumplings , happy New Year , etc.

  10. 人们纷纷购买年货,街上的小摊儿全是年画、门神、春联、福字什么的。

    People had to buy holiday items one after another ; the little booths on the streets all were selling New Years pictures , Door Gods , Spring Festival couplets , words such as " luck " and the like .

  11. 但你可以把中国的汉字福字倒贴在门上(听起来像是福到)这样就能在新年带来好运了

    You can however , turn the Chinese character for luck ( fu ) upside down to make " dao " ( which sounds like arrival ) and put it on your door to bring in good fortune for the new year .

  12. 姜子牙答道:有好运的地方你都禁止踏入。居民们听到姜子牙的指示,就在纸上写下福字贴在家里的窗户上以赶走穷神。

    Jiang replied , You are off limits wherever there is good fortune When the residents got word of Jiang 's instruction , they wrote the character fu on paper and pasted it on the doors and windows of their houses to keep the Goddess of Poverty away .