
  • 网络sateen
  1. 在织物表面有浮起的纬纱时,称为纬面缎纹,这可认为是缎纹的一个变化组织。

    A variation of the satin weave in which the filling picks float on the surface is referred to as sateen .

  2. 长丝常用来生产经面缎纹织物,短纤维纱(用的是棉纤维)用于生产纬面缎纹织物。

    Filament fiber yarns are generally used in making satin fabrics , while staple - fiber yarns , often of cotton , are more common in sateen fabrics .

  3. 但是也有例外,棉经面缎纹和长丝纬面缎纹也已经问世。

    There are , however , exceptions ; cotton satins as well as filament yarn sateens have been made .