
chāo ɡuó jiā zǔ zhī
  • supranational organization
  1. 尽管wto不是超国家组织(欧盟在一些领域是超国家组织),但它能够对那些未能履行义务的国家造成影响。

    While it is not supranational , as the European Union is in certain areas , the WTO can impose consequences on those failing to meet their obligations .

  2. 对于欧洲煤钢联营,英国政策的选择受到拒绝加入超国家组织的影响;

    For the European Coal and Steel Treaty Organization , British policies are restrained by refusing an European supranational institution ;

  3. 国家、超国家组织、政府间组织、跨国非政府组织、跨国公司以及个人等均涉入其内。

    Nations , international organizations , intergovernmental organizations , transnational nongovernmental organizations , transnational corporations and individuals are all involved in it .

  4. 根据制度化水平的三个维度,国际制度安排的基本形式可分为非正式协议、自我实施的正式协议、一般的正式国际组织和超国家组织。

    According to three dimensions of institutionalization , I divide international institutional arrangements into four fundamental forms : informal agreements , self-enforcing formal agreements , general formal international organizations and supranational organizations .

  5. 其二,通过适当的主权让渡以及区域一体化等途径,超国家组织可能跨越主权国家,以不同方式、在不种程度上摆脱国际政治的框架。

    Second , super-country organizations can span sovereignties , and break away from the frame of international politics in various form and in various levels , by ways such as appropriate sovereignty concession and region integration .

  6. 作为一个超国家的组织,欧盟各项政策(包括消费者政策)的形成机制、实施机制与主权国家不同。

    EU as a " beyond one country " organization , the establishment and performance mechanism of each EU consumer protective policy is different with sovereignty countries .

  7. 从权力理论看“超国家”国际组织

    The authority theoretical analysis of " super-national " organization