
  • 网络European coordination;the Concert of Europe;European Concert
  1. 欧洲协调机制的瓦解问题研究

    A Study on the Collapse of the Concert of Europe as an International Regime

  2. 在新兴力量的冲击下,旧有的欧洲协调体系面临解体的危机。

    Because of the impact of these forces , the old system of Concert of Europe was confronted with crisis of collapsing .

  3. 最近,欧洲协调标准EN13445《非直接受火压力容器》提出了一种不同于传统方法的多鞍座卧式容器的最新设计方法,这是多鞍座卧式容器设计第一次正式写入标准。

    A new method was given in European harmonized standard & EN13445 Unfired Pressure Vessels . It is the first time that the method of design of horizontal pressure vessel on multi-saddles was written in the official standard .

  4. 国际青年组织欧洲协调局

    European Coordination Bureau of International Youth Organizations

  5. 欧洲协调委员会

    CEC ( The Co-ordinating European Council )

  6. 欧洲协调机制受到重大冲击,维也纳体系危机四伏。

    European coordination mechanism suffer from a major impact , the Vienna system to be threatened by growing crises .

  7. 本文认为,尽管妥协在国家间关系中非常普遍,但作为国际体系的结构性特征,历史上只在欧洲协调、国际联盟及联合国三个不同时期出现过国家间权力妥协。

    The thesis considers that although the compromise among nations is very common , there were only three ones as structural characterizes in the international system : Concert of Europe , League of Nations and United Nations .

  8. 为缓和日益紧张的国际局势,维持和平的局面,两次海牙和平会议试图挽救面临危机的欧洲协调体系,并将其向世界拓展,建立全球性的大国协调机制。

    To ease up the tense international situation and maintain the peace , the two Hague conferences attempted to save the European concert in crisis and extend it to the world with a result of establishing a global concert system between great powers .

  9. 集体行动逻辑下的欧洲会计协调研究

    Study on the European Accounting Coordination under the Logic of Collective Action

  10. 自1992年以来,美国、中国和欧洲首次协调一致。

    For the first time since 1992 , the US , China and the EU are aligned .

  11. 欧盟银行管理局(europeanbankingauthority,简称eba)主席安德烈恩瑞亚(andreaenria)表示,金融危机突显了欧洲各国在协调银行业监管方面的缺陷。

    Andrea enria , chairman of the European Banking authority , said the financial crisis had highlighted the weakness of consensual efforts to co-ordinate banking regulation in Europe .

  12. 欧洲纺织工业协调组

    European Coordinating Group for the Textile Industry

  13. 在欧洲联盟内协调个别国家是它们主要的困难和必须做的事情。

    The main difficulty within the European Union is harmonising what individual countries have to do .

  14. 但是,不管出现哪一种情况,华盛顿都宁愿同欧洲盟邦一起协调行动。协助行政助理开展人员招聘、用、动合同、工福利等工作。

    But whatever happens , Washington would prefer concerted action with its European allies . Assist Executive Assistant in new employee recruitment , employment , and labor contract and welfare issues .

  15. 要将其资产负债表规模增加可能导致的低效率和不当激励控制在最小程度,同时减少对手方风险,就应该让欧洲央行在协调和监督欧元区银行监管事务方面发挥更大的作用。

    To minimise the inefficiencies and perverse incentives that may result from the increase in its balance sheet , and to reduce counter-party risk , the ECB should be given a greater role in co-ordinating and overseeing supervision of the eurozone banking system .

  16. 而欧洲内部市场协调局只是一个立法、行政、技术和财政独立的机构,不能通过处罚或命令来组织查处商标侵权行为,也不能命令扣押假冒商品。

    The office of harmonization for the international market is just a specialty administration for legislation , execution , technique and financial . The investigation and prosecution for identification of trademark infringement are not to through punishing and orders , include detaining fake commodities .

  17. 这场金融危机要求欧洲金融政策更加协调合作。

    The crisis has increased calls for greater cooperation on European financial policy .

  18. 欧洲专利制度的协调与统一及其对我国的启示

    The Harmonization and Unification of Patent System in European and Its Inspirations to China

  19. 法国总统席哈克近来要求美国、欧洲和日本来协调各国的经济政策以便稳定汇率。

    French President Jacques Chirac has recently called for the US , Europe , and Japan to coordinate their economic policies so as to stabilize exchange rates .

  20. 花招耍遍,结果是小国感觉被摆了一道,气不打一处来&欧洲若是步调不协调,欧盟就有分崩离析的危险。

    Amid all this manoeuvring , France often angered small countries , which felt pushed around . A multi-speed Europe is a risky idea that could break up the EU .

  21. 汽车产能过剩是全欧洲的现象,这要求欧洲拿出协调一致的解决方案。

    Overcapacity in car production is a European phenomenon , which requires a co-ordinated European solution .