
ɡuó jì zhònɡ cái
  • international arbitration
  1. 与此同时,Repsol表示,将就上述YPF股权被没收一事向阿根廷政府索取至少100亿美元的赔偿金,并正为此寻求国际仲裁。

    Repsol meanwhile said it would pursue Argentina for at least $ 10bn in compensation for the YPF stake and is seeking international arbitration .

  2. 为有效利用ICSID国际仲裁机制,从立法上,可将我国能作为ICSID当事人的机关规定为中央人民政府及经其同意的其他政府机构;

    China may adopt the following measures in order to utilize the international arbitration jurisdiction of the ICSID effectively . The state party should be the central government institutions and other agencies authorized by the central government of China .

  3. 第四章主要探讨了解决域名纠纷的国际仲裁问题,并提出了借鉴WTO仲裁规则的建议。

    In the forth part , the author discusses the application of dispute arbitration to resolve the main domain name problem , and gives out the suggestion of taking the WTO arbitration rules as an example .

  4. 随着发展中国家外国直接投资的日益增长以及大量双边投资条约(BilateralInvestmentTreaties,BITs)的签订,越来越多的外国投资者将与东道国之间的争端提交国际仲裁。

    The proliferation of direct foreign investment in developing countries and the increasing of bilateral investment treaties ( BITs ) have resulted in the phenomenon called investor-state arbitrations brought by foreign investors against host states .

  5. 利比亚表示愿意将此争端提交国际仲裁。

    Libya has offered to submit the dispute to international arbitration .

  6. 中世纪的国际仲裁及其历史遗产

    International Arbitration in the Middle Ages and Its Historical Heritage

  7. 伦敦国际仲裁法庭仲裁员专题讨论会

    Arbitrators ' Symposium of the London Court of International Arbitration

  8. 变化中的世界国际仲裁会议;

    Conference on international arbitration in a changing world ;

  9. 在国际仲裁和各国国内司法中的实践。

    The practice in the international arbitration and the domestic judicature of different countries .

  10. 能够解决国际仲裁纠纷;

    provide for dispute resolution in international arbitration ;

  11. 国际仲裁人员若能就这个问题给出一些解释,将是值得欢迎的。

    Any light that international arbitrators can shed on this issue would be welcome .

  12. 国际仲裁裁决执行问题委员会

    Committee on the Enforcement of International Arbitral Awards

  13. 联合国国际仲裁裁决报告

    United Nations Reports of International Arbitral Awards

  14. 一个重要因素是,香港拥有能反映最好国际仲裁实践的仲裁法。

    One important factor is that Hong Kong has arbitration legislation that reflects best international arbitral practice .

  15. 应建立国际仲裁体系,允许私人以及国家对经济损失提出索赔。

    Private parties , as well as countries , should be allowed to bring claims for monetary damages .

  16. 然而,值得一提的是,国际仲裁事实上可能对商业有利。

    One irony worth noting , however , is that international arbitration can actually be good for business .

  17. 最后,任何协定都需要一个国际仲裁体系,以执行协定规则、裁决争议。

    Finally , any treaty needs a system of international arbitration to enforce its rules and resolve disputes .

  18. 如果将岛屿争议提交国际仲裁,将符合两国的利益。

    It would be in both nations ' interest to submit the dispute over the islands to international arbitration .

  19. 一名中国资深外交官反驳了与南海争端有关的国际仲裁建议。

    A senior Chinese diplomat is downplaying any suggestions of international arbitration connected to disputes in the South China Sea .

  20. 因此,私人投资者就可以通过国际仲裁或调解程序解决其与东道国的投资争端。

    Therefore , private investors can solve the host country and investment disputes through the international arbitration or mediation program .

  21. 单方面将双边争议提交国际仲裁的做法违背了《宣言》原则与精神。

    The unilateral action of submitting bilateral dispute to international arbitration is against both the principle and spirit of the DOC .

  22. 在此之前,菲律宾就南海领土争端正式提出国际仲裁。

    The comment follows a formal request by the Philippines for international arbitration on territorial disputes in the South China Sea .

  23. 同时,天衡律师多次与境外律师合作,在国际仲裁庭上成功维护了中国境内客户的利益。

    We have also cooperated closely with foreign lawyers in representing our Chinese clients in a few successful international arbitration cases .

  24. 国际仲裁是处理国际电子商务争端的一种方法,尽管普遍参与是自愿性而不能是强制性的。

    International arbitration is one way to deal with international e-commerce disputes , though generally participation is voluntary and cannot be forced .

  25. 将中国南海和中国东海上岛屿的领土争端提交国际仲裁会是一个良好开端。

    A good start would be to submit territorial disputes over islands in the East and South China seas to international arbitration .

  26. 一些国家的仲裁立法或国际仲裁机构的仲裁规则中对合并仲裁问题做了专门规定,而中国的立法或仲裁机构规则有关合并仲裁的制度并不完善。

    Some countries or international arbitration associations have specific legislation or arbitration rules regarding consolidated arbitration , while China is lack of such rules .

  27. 而且北京还同意就和别国或外国的贸易纠纷接受国际仲裁。

    And it agreed to submit itself to international arbitration in the event of a trade dispute with another country or a foreign company .

  28. 但安第斯石油公司并未能免缴最近新左派政府开征的暴利税,该公司正考虑将此事提交国际仲裁。

    But Andes petroleum has not been spared a windfall tax introduced recently by the new leftist government and is considering taking the government to international arbitration .

  29. 上世纪90年代中期以来,该标准在国际仲裁实践中频频出现,引起了国际社会的普遍关注。

    This standard has been used frequently in international arbitration practice since the mid-90s of last century , which cause a widespread concern of the international community .

  30. 使澳门的仲裁制度最终能发挥其应有的作用以及令澳门的仲裁机构成为最重要的国际仲裁机构之一。

    So , the arbitration system in Macau can finally be widely used and it can make Macau become one of the most important international arbitration institutions .